Lucky number seven

You know that long-standing recommendation to get your “five a day” of fruits and veggies? Well, that might be good enough for the USDA. But they’d have to add a couple extra servings to that daily minimum to make me happy.

Or you, for that matter. And I mean that quite literally.

Upon studying the eating habits of more than 80,000 people, British researchers found that mental wellbeing peaks at seven servings of fruit and vegetables per day.

According to one of the co-authors of this recent study, “the statistical power of fruits and vegetables was a surprise.”

A surprise? Not to me, it isn’t.

It doesn’t take a genius to predict that people who fill up on fresh, whole food feel better–both physically and mentally. But if we need a study as proof, so be it.

While we’re at it, let’s talk about the fact that good health is more than just a numbers game. Even (and maybe especially) when it comes to fruits and veggies.

Seven servings of canned corn isn’t going to do you any favors. But just a few hearty servings of seasonal veggies that cover the rainbow–think red peppers, leafy greens, yellow squash–could be downright disease-defying.

And by that I mean cancer-fighting.

I’ll be taking on this topic in the December issue of my newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives. So if you want the latest on how to put your food’s phytochemicals to work for you, take a minute to sign up now.

While the rest of the world catches up, I’ll be stocking up at my local Farmer’s Market with a smile on my face.

I hope you do the same.
