Mainstream medicine makes room for omega-3s

I never thought I’d live to see the day that supplements gained mainstream support for disease prevention. Yet, where omega-3s are concerned at least, it appears as though we have finally arrived.

Of course, given the stranglehold that Big Pharma has on both lawmakers and consumers alike, my optimism in this department remains cautious at best. But in the meantime, I hardly need permission from the powers-that-be to prescribe fish oil.

Let’s take a look at a few of the most recent reasons why…

Thousands of lives saved

You may recall there have been three large-scale trials dealing with omega-3s and heart disease in recent years: ASCEND, VITAL and REDUCE-IT. They’ve all received a fair amount of attention—and a recently updated meta-analysis shows why.

The authors of this study performed their analysis two ways—once, including the findings from REDUCE-IT, and again, without this study’s results.

That’s because the REDUCE-IT trial showed major risk reductions using high-dose fish oil—specifically, four grams a day. (Of course, this is exactly why I and many of my colleagues recommend high doses of omega-3s. But clearly, the medical establishment remains skeptical.)

Nevertheless, the goal of this study was noble: They wanted to investigate, for the first time ever, whether omega-3 supplementation reduces heart disease risk according to dose. (And really, why wouldn’t it? It works this way with pharmaceuticals… but I digress.)

Researchers looked at 13 randomized trials with more than 127,000 participants—including the latest results from the blockbuster trials I mentioned above, making the most reliable and up-to-date investigation yet.

And guess what?

Even when they excluded the results from REDUCE-IT, they still found significant reductions in heart attack, heart disease and coronary heart disease deaths, and total heart disease events. (When REDUCE-IT results were included, stroke risk dropped significantly, too!)

Ultimately, findings revealed just under a ten percent drop in total heart disease events with every one-gram increase in omega-3 dosage. Which could prevent hundreds of thousands of heart attacks in the U.S. alone.

Prevention for pennies a day

The real shame here is that it took this long for conventional medicine to give fish oil the time of day it deserves.

But is it any wonder? Let’s face it—the drug industry sets the research agenda in this country. (Not only that, but they somehow get away with flying around in private jets while the American people have to choose between eating and taking their medications—but that’s a rant for another day.)

Of course, now that Big Pharma has found a way to cash in on omega-3s, the timing makes a little more sense. But no matter what mainstream reports suggest, you don’t have to shell out for expensive prescription products to reap the benefits of omega-3s.

My advice over the years has remained the same: I have always recommended taking a high-dose, high-quality fish oil supplement daily… one that contains at least 3,000 mg of DHA and EPA.

And that’s just one of a handful of affordable, natural staples that will help spare you a dreaded heart disease diagnosis down the line. In fact, I share my top three in the latest issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives (“Three heart-saving heroes no supplement regimen should be without”).

So if you haven’t already, consider subscribing today. You won’t want to miss it.

Dr. Fred

P.S. For additional ways to naturally safeguard your heart against America’s biggest killers—high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke—I encourage you to check out my Ultimate Heart Protection Protocol. To learn more about this innovative online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now!


“Omega-3s and CVD Prevention: A Promising Future?” Medscape Medical News, 11/06/2019. (