Medical “experts” can no longer IGNORE this health threat

Let’s address something 24 years in the making.

And no, it’s not a good thing.

See, for decades experts have IGNORED this health threat…

Even though it’s been right in front of their noses for generations.

And now? We’re seeing it sweep across several nations. (Not “just” the U.S.!)

Here’s what I mean…

Trending upwards

For decades, I’ve written about the twin epidemics of Type 2 diabetes and obesity. (I refer to it as diabesity.)

While scary and unfortunate—it’s not an emerging threat.

After all, it’s why I wrote my very first book, Feed Your Kids Well.

Of course, many “experts” believe otherwise, since several countries are recently experiencing a dramatic rise in diagnoses.

In fact, two recent studies—the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study and the Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY)—showcase how prevalent the threat is.

(SEARCH was an observational study where researchers focused on the prevalence, incidence, and complications of diabetes among youth. TODAY was an interventional study that looked at the effectiveness of different treatment options available to diabetic adolescents.)

Researchers found that, for the first time in history, Type 2 diabetes now surpasses Type 1 among younger generations. (Type 1 diabetes is a genetic, autoimmune condition that typically develops in childhood.)

If I saw this trend years ago, don’t you think the medical community could have worked to prevent it!?

Here’s what those results mean on a grander scale…

Lead by example… before it’s too late

A life expectancy model shows young Type 2 diabetes patients lose an alarming15 years of life.

Worse, their cardiovascular health takes a devastating hit. In fact, in TODAY, 17 serious cardiovascular events were recorded, including heart attack, congestive heart failure, coronary events, and stroke. (Yes, in children!)

Not to mention 11.6 percent of those participants had hypertension at diagnosis! And in SEARCH, 27 percent of young patients had hypertension within 1.5 years of a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

That’s not even taking into account all of the long-term complications of Type 2 diabetes, like high blood pressure, kidney disease, vision problems, neuropathy, reduced exercise capacity, and more.

So, how do we stop this “emerging” threat among our grandchildren’s generation?

It’s simple: teach them healthy food choices—and lead by example.

After all, I’m always explaining how Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease.

So, put down the cookies, cakes, and candies… and encourage healthy food choices. Choose whole foods, like grass-fed and -finished meat, organic poultry, seasonal produce, nuts, seeds, eggs, and more.

For additional guidance, check out my Metabolic Repair Protocol. Click here now!


“T2D More Prevalent Than T1D Among Adolescents in Some Areas.” Medscape, 10/17/2024. (