Microplastics were found WHERE? (Urgent!)

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Scientists in Brazil recently made a shocking discovery…

Microplastics were found in the brain tissue of cadavers!

Of course, that should come as no surprise, given that these particles have been found in nearly every organ in our body.

But the brain is a whole new ballgame.

Here’s why…

Slipping through the blood-brain barrier

As you know, plastic is a very invasive problem for human health.

That’s because, over time, it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces called microplastics. And we come into contact with these pieces virtually everywhere we turn.

And now, science reveals they’re creeping into one of our most precious vital organs…

Our brains.

That’s quite alarming because our bodies work to overprotect the brain. (Think of the blood-brain barrier as soldiers guarding a castle.) In fact, this barrier works hard to keep invaders out. Yet somehow, microplastics found their way IN.

For the new study, researchers looked at a part of the brain called the olfactory bulb. This is found above the nasal cavity and helps us to smell. (Our noses also act as a built-in filter, designed to trap particles and dust before they invade your body. But modern air pollution is filled with such microscopic particles, they slip right past our natural defenses.)

In fact, the olfactory system is the pathway between the nose and the brain. The system detects smell by processing tiny odor molecules, which stimulate olfactory nerves. In the brain, the signals are processed as your sense of smell.

Well, it looks like microplastics (and other particles) can travel this same route—because the scientists found 16 different plastic fibers and particles.

The most common type was polypropylene, followed by polyamide, nylon and polyethylene vinyl acetate.

Plastic is everywhere—and it’s dangerous

Did you know around 4,000 different chemicals are used to make plastic, yet we don’t even understand the extent of the harms they pose to human health?

To date, most of the research has been limited to animal studies. After all, we can’t ethically expose humans to the chemicals used to create plastic and see what happens. (Or can we!?)

That said, another recent study found that exposure to microplastics found in drinking water caused cognitive changes in mice. (Yes, those particles also managed to pass the blood-brain barrier.)

And earlier this year, a study linked the presence of microplastics in arterial plaque to an increased death risk.

When will we say enough is enough? The toxic soup that envelops us is one that’s becoming more and more difficult to escape. And clearly, it’s dangerous to our health.

Read more about the dangers of microplastics by referencing the March 2023 issue of my monthly Logical Health Alternatives newsletter (“Are YOU eating a credit card’s worth of PLASTIC every week?”). Click here to gain access.


“Microplastics can get into brain tissue, study shows.” NBC News, 09/16/2024. (nbcnews.com/health/health-news/microplastics-brain-new-research-finds-plastics-olfactory-bulb-rcna171200)