Move more or eat less?

If you’ve been reading the Reality Health Check for a while, by now you’ve undoubtedly caught on that there is a study to prove or disprove just about anything. Take the latest headline I came across, for example: “Move more…but please don’t eat less: Why industry should stress ‘calories in’ to fight obesity.”

The article discusses the “evidence” that physical activity has little to do with the ever-widening waistlines in this country.

The argument here is that exercise levels among adults have actually increased since the 1970’s. Yet, lack of physical activity still gets the lion’s share of the blame for skyrocketing obesity rates.

And then it goes on to expose the role the food industry has played in creating this mindset over the years. Obviously, they don’t want us to eat less…that would mean we also SPEND less on their products. So they’ve created massive campaigns to persuade consumers that exercise is the most important part of the weight loss equation.

The article contends that “It is far easier to reduce calories consumed by 500 a day than it is to ‘burn’ 500 calories a day through exercise…For the healthiest return, the focus must be on food, not fitness.”

Once again, you’ve got proof–or at least convincing arguments–on both sides of the “move more, eat less” equation.

So which is it?


The fact is, if you want to lose weight you need to move more and eat less. Or at least eat better. Which is the heart and soul of my New Hamptons Health Miracle.

Once you focus your diet on whole, wholesome foods–and cut the packaged, processed garbage–calories really cease being an issue. And adding even a modest amount of physical activity (*ahem*–that nightly walk I’m always talking about) will make a huge impact on your overall success. Not to mention your overall health.

It really is that simple.