New season, new gut?

Nearly 80 percent of our immune system’s cells originate in our gut.

And the bacteria that reside there play a critical role in mediating your body’s response to all sorts of threats.

Now, I’ve reported plenty of the importance of maintaining—or rebuilding—a healthy gut. And I love to talk about new insights regarding this topic.

The latest?

Researchers suggest that the composition of your gut microbiome could change with the seasons

Seasonal indications

In a recent study, researchers reviewed data from nearly 20,000 stool samples collected between 2013 and 2019, as part of the American Gut Project.

They first discovered that over 50 percent of bacteria have a 24-hour cycle—meaning their role could change on an hourly basis, day-to-day.

In fact, Actinobacteriota tends to be lower in the morning and higher in the evening.

But what really stood out is this…

Certain bacteria tend to follow specific patterns at different times of the year.

More precisely, Proteobacteria seemed to peak in the summer (with much lower quantities present in the winter).

Scientists aren’t exactly sure why these trends occur—and they’re working hard to learn more. (Could sunlight and/or temperature be part of the equation?)

But these preliminary findings are quite insightful.

After all, they can help explain why you might be more prone to seasonal viruses or allergies. Plus, treating physicians could consider these changes when prescribing drugs, since the gut plays a role in digesting and metabolizing them.

Rebuild your defenses

I’ve always been fascinated by the gut microbiome—it serves as the foundation to good health. And a compromised microbiome leads to a whole host of chronic diseases.

So, let’s take a step back to ensure you’re supporting your gut to the best of your ability. That starts with maintaining a healthy gut lining.

The mucosal barrier of your gastrointestinal tract acts as a home base to your gut bacteria. And its job is to keep the “good guys” in… and the “bad guys” out, year-round.

That’s why I recommend taking 12,000 mcg (40,000 IU) of vitamin A (as retinol) per day.

(You need plenty of vitamin A to reinforce the junctions of your intestinal walls and ensure proper function of the cells lining your gut. So needless to say, deficiencies can have serious consequences for gut barrier function.)

To further heal a leaky gut, I also recommend:

  • Aloe vera leaf extract: 250 mg per day
  • Deglycyrrhized licorice (DGL): 500 mg per day
  • Marshmallow root: 100 mg per day
  • N-acetyl glucosamine: 250 mg per day
  • Slippery elm bark: 200 mg per day

To learn more about how bacteria can be beneficial to your health, check out my book, Boost Your Health with Bacteria. (Order yourself a copy here.)

P.S. Don’t forget! This Sunday, May 21st at 3 p.m. (Eastern time), I’ll be hosting my Conquering Cancer Summit. Because when it comes to this dreaded diagnosis, what mainstream doctors aren’t telling you is that you have options. I’ll tell you all about them—and MORE. So, click here now to reserve your spot to this FREE online event!


“Your gut balance changes by the day and with the seasons, researchers discover.” StudyFinds, 05/01/2023. (