Happy Valentine’s Day!
Are you looking forward to a box of chocolate, sparkling champagne, or other sweet indulgences?
Well, I certainly won’t get on you for enjoying an occasional treat.
But if you indulge more often than not, allow this to serve as a reminder that it’s never too late to start making healthy lifestyle changes.
In fact, one measly serving of these health-promoting foods could be enough to preserve memory and cognition…
Warding off some of the most feared, debilitating diseases of our time.
Lessen rates of cognitive decline by 32 percent
Researchers recruited nearly 960 participants from the Rush Memory and Aging Project (MAP), average age 81, to be followed for an average of seven years.
Subjects completed dietary questionnaires, as well as cognitive and memory tests, annually. Then, researchers divided them into five groups based on the amount of flavanols they consumed.
The lowest intake group consumed 5 mg daily. And the highest intake group consumed 15 mg per day.
Well, those who consumed the highest amount of flavanols experienced a reduced rate of cognitive decline by nearly one-third!
And, to help put this into perspective, 15 mg is equivalent to just one measly serving of dark, leafy greens per day. That’s EASY for anyone to enjoy!
Real food, real benefit
Flavanols are a subclass of flavonoids—bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory properties found in onions, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, apples, grapes, betters, tea, and wine.
In this new study, researchers found participants with the highest intake of kaempferol—found in kale, beans, tea, spinach, and broccoli—reaped the greatest benefit, lessening cognitive decline by 32 percent.
Of course, higher intakes of myricetin—found in wine, kale, oranges, and tomatoes—lowered rates by 31 percent. And more quercetin—found in tomatoes, kale, apples, and tea—slashed it by 30 percent.
Well, a diet rich in flavanols provides powerful antioxidant compounds that reduce inflammation in the brain. They also deliver essential B vitamins, which support energy and neurotransmitter production, and fiber, which nourishes the gut.
In other words, consuming real food with real nutrient content will always be our body’s first line of defense.
And a diverse diet—filled with lean protein (from grass-fed and -finished meat, organic poultry, and non-farm raised fish), lots of different vegetables and seasonal, local fruit—will always be my recommendation to you for a longer, healthier life.
For additional ways to naturally protect and restore memory and cognition, check out my online learning protocol, my Alzheimer’s Prevention and Treatment Plan.
“More Evidence Flavanols in Tea, Fruit, and Veg Preserve Memory, Cognition.” Medscape, 11/28/2022. (medscape.com/viewarticle/984651)