Outsmart Alzheimer’s by breaking a sweat

Yesterday, I mentioned that regular exercise has been my method of choice for staying sane during the COVID-19 pandemic. (And believe me, that hasn’t been an easy task for anyone, particularly us New Yorkers.)

So, today, I want to turn your attention to some research that proves, once again, just how powerful physical activity can be—against cognitive decline, in particular.

Because as this recent study shows, you can beat the odds against Alzheimer’s disease (AD), even when the cards are stacked against you. All you have to do is break a regular sweat.

Beating “diabetes of the brain”

Scientists from the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health looked at 23 cognitively normal but sedentary adults, all with a family history of AD.

They assessed each subject for cardiorespiratory fitness, daily physical activity levels, cognitive function, and brain glucose metabolism. (Remember, AD is widely considered to be a third type of diabetes, or “diabetes of the brain.”)

Then, they assigned subjects to one of two groups: The first received information about staying active, but with no intervention. Tthe second participated in a moderate-intensity personal training program, three times a week, for six months.

And, well… you can probably guess how this little experiment turned out.

Compared to subjects who stayed sedentary, the subjects who trained for six months moved more and saw boosts in cardiorespiratory fitness. But they also scored better in tests of executive functioning. (That is, the mental processes that allow you to plan, focus, remember instructions, and multi-task—all early casualties of AD.)

Results also showed that improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness were linked with increases in brain glucose metabolism, too—specifically in parts of the brain heavily impacted by AD.

Get up and get moving

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Exercise is powerful medicine. And this is especially true where your brain’s health is concerned, considering how few conventional solutions we have in the fight against AD and dementia.

But even if gyms are still closed where you live—or if you just aren’t ready to risk it yet—effective workouts aren’t off the menu. So don’t let pandemic fears stop you from lacing up your sneakers.

There are plenty of ways to stay home and stay active—going for walks, bike rides, and runs around your neighborhood will suffice. (Provided you are maintaining six feet of distance from other people at all times, and are wearing a mask).

The important part is that you simply get up off the couch and get moving—every single day, as often as possible.

Because as you’ll recall, this isn’t the first time research has pegged physical activity as an effective cure for “diabetes of the brain.” But I’m happy to remind you that regular exercise is only one simple way to do it.

Following a ketogenic diet, like my A-List Diet, is another effective strategy. And there are even more simple lifestyle changes you can make—all of which I’ve outlined, step by step, in my Alzheimer’s Prevention and Treatment Plan.

To learn more about this online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now. Because you have absolutely nothing to lose… and years of razor-sharp brain health to reclaim.


“Aerobic exercise training linked to enhanced brain function: Regular aerobic exercise may decrease the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease.” Science Daily, 02/03/2020. (sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/02/200203104450.htm)