Over 3,600 toxins in your takeout? Here’s the startling truth

I’m committed to keeping you current on all the latest health news.

That includes any atrocity that you commonly come into contact with.

And when it comes to chemical dangers…

The information is pouring in fast—so bear with me. (The numbers stagger me, too!)

Here’s what I mean…

Plenty of unknowns

A new study reveals that more than 3,600 chemicals used in food preparation or packaging have been detected in our bodies.

That’s right… over 3,600!

And while we know how some of these are hazardous to our health, we know little about the overall threat many of these chemicals pose.

See, I’ve warned you before about chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA) and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs).

But there are so many more chemicals in food packaging that we end up ingesting at an unknown rate!

And get this… according to the study’s lead author, around 100 of these chemicals are considered “high concern” to our health. (Yet, they aren’t banned!?)

But wait, there’s more…

The threat is huge

Researchers previously pinpointed around 14,000 food contact chemicals (FCCs)—chemicals capable of leaching into food from packaging made of plastic (of course)—but also paper, class, metal, and other materials!

And with mass-produced foods, there’s also the risk of picking up chemicals off of things like conveyor belts. So that 3,600 figure? It’s likely only a fraction of all-known FCCs!

Of course, we know enough about the usual suspects—BPA, PFAs, and even phthalates—to be scared. But we know far less about chemicals like oligomers (byproducts of plastic production). And that’s where this gets really terrifying!

Worse still, many of these chemicals interact in ways we can’t even begin to understand!

And while I’ll admit it’s impossible for us to avoid all of these chemicals, I’m a firm believer that knowledge is power. And you absolutely should be alarmed by these figures!

So, please minimize your contact with food packaging. Never heat up your food in the packaging, and only store food in glass or stainless steel.

While you’re at it, recommit to a whole foods diet—full of grass-fed and -finished beef, organic poultry, wild-caught fish and seafood, organic, seasonal produce, nuts, seeds, eggs, and more.


“Scientists Find 3,600 Food Packaging Chemicals in Human Bodies.” Science Alert, 09/18/2024. (sciencealert.com/scientists-find-3600-food-packaging-chemicals-in-human-bodies)