Pink slime makes way for meat glue

Just when you thought the “pink slime” controversy was over, us carnivores now have something else to contend with… “Meat glue.”

Officially, it’s known as transglutaminase, an enzyme powder that brings protein closer together. It’s used to patch various pieces of meat into a single steak or some other amalgamated chunk.

Who thinks up this stuff? It sounds more like science fiction than food to me.

Of course, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration generally recognizes it as safe. But meat glue may cause allergic reactions. Plus, it could also make tracing potential food-borne illnesses more difficult, since different parts of different animals are combined.

The good news is, the USDA requires that transglutaminase must be listed as an ingredient on labels, in addition to terms like “formed” or “reformed meat.” So this is yet another example where you should read labels VERY carefully.

So far this year, we’ve learned about pink slime and meat glue. What else is out there that we don’t know about yet? We’ve put our safety into the hands of the FDA. And yet, they continue to collude with food manufacturers, ignore requests for better labeling, and allow corporations to basically lie to us.

Of course, there’s a very easy way to eliminate the possibility of meat glue, pink slime, or any other additive or filler the food industry comes up with. Simply follow my New Hamptons Health Miracle. It emphasizes foods in their whole, natural form. No labels required.