[REVEALED] This misguided advice could lead to an early grave

It appears that, unfortunately, the “powers that be” are still clueless. Especially when it comes to natural disease prevention and longevity.  

Because while they’re advocating that eliminating THIS substance from your diet—and, in turn, lowering your blood levels of it—will help you achieve optimal health, they’ve failed to recognize that doing so could actually prove lethal. 

(I’ve never believed this substance plays a role in illness and death for most people, anyway.)  

So—since conventional medicine spends so much time doling out this misguided advice, I thought I should share some research that supports my viewpoint…  

The controversy that keeps on giving 

When it comes to cholesterol, the mainstream brings an intense focus on keeping your numbers as low as possible. They believe there’s a direct relationship between LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and all-cause or cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality. And they (over-) medicate accordingly. 

On the other hand, we have people like me who don’t believe this metric has a drastic impact on our health and longevity.  

Now, yet another recent review explains why… 

Researchers analyzed 19 studies, including 30 cohorts with over 68,000 people. All-cause mortality was recorded in 28 cohorts, and CVD mortality in nine.  

Looking at all-cause mortality risk, an inverse relationship was found between this risk and LDL cholesterol in 92 percent of participants. In one of the cohorts, a mirror J-shaped curve formed, with the lowest risk being in the highest quartile. (You know, the complete opposite of conventional “wisdom” suggesting lower cholesterol translates to a lower death risk.) No association was found in the remaining cohorts. 

When it came to CVD mortality risk, there was almost a U-shaped curve between that and LDL cholesterol in most of the cohorts, with the lowest risk in the highest quartile.  

There was another mirror J-shaped curve in one of the cohorts, with the lowest risk in the highest quartile. And in the remaining seven cohorts, no association was found.  

Translation: The higher the LDL cholesterol, the higher the chances of survival. 

Low cholesterol isn’t the answer  

The authors also discussed cholesterol-lowering medication (statins) and mortality risk. They ultimately concluded that the benefits of statins have been long exaggerated. (Duh!) 

Dietary interventions aren’t beneficial, either. In fact, a recent study found that a 30 mg/dL decrease in blood cholesterol levels among participants who were older than 65 at baseline was linked to a 35 percent higher risk of death.  

None of this is surprising. (When I was in residency training, the only patients with cancer were those with low cholesterol. Let that sink in for a moment.) 

I’ve explained many times before how cholesterol is protective to your health. I’ve revealed how statins introduce lethal side effects (learn more in the March 2020 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives). And I’ve routinely debunked the longstanding myth that “high cholesterol” foods like eggs are bad for you.  

So the next time your doctor tells you that you need to have your LDL below 70 mg/dL, or even at 70 mg/dL… think twice.  

Because as this research shows, every time you listen to that advice, you could be doing your body (and ultimately, your longevity) more harm than good.  


“Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review.” BMJ Open, 2016. (bmjopen.bmj.com/content/6/6/e010401)