Scary new cancer stat (and how to outsmart it)

According to some new research, it appears that more than half of all people born after 1960 will develop cancer at some point in their lives.

This scary new estimate supplants the previous figure, which predicted that more than one in three people would develop cancer at some point in their lives.

These researchers found that for people born in 1960, the lifetime risk of developing cancer is 53.5% for men and 47.5% for women.

Why the change? The study authors think the increase is primarily due to more people surviving into old age—when cancer is supposedly more common.

But is it really?

First of all, the figures for people born in 1960 are 15% and 11% higher than men and women born in 1930, respectively.

And speaking from personal experience, I have lots of older patients who don’t have cancer (and by “older” I mean up to 104 years old).

So I’m not convinced that age is the real culprit here.

Perhaps it’s all the awful foods people of this generation grew up. Keep in mind that around 1960, all those “convenient” inventions like trans fats, fast food, GMO crops, and the like were just beginning to rear their ugly heads. And these modern-day wonders essentially took control of an entire generation.

If you ask me, my patients are living proof that while you can’t avoid getting older, you CAN avoid the typical pitfalls most people associate with aging. Including serious diseases like diabetes, Alzhiemer’s, and even cancer.

In fact, more than four in 10 cancers diagnosed each year can be prevented by simple changes in lifestyle. And I’ve outlined them in detail in my special report Cancer-Free for Life.  If you don’t already have a copy, it’s available on my website, under the Books tab.

The easy steps outlined in this lifesaving guide will give you all the tools you need to avoid becoming a part of this latest, terrifying statistic.