More young adults (under 50) are being diagnosed with cancer than ever before.
And I can already guess what you’re thinking…
Perhaps we’re catching these cancers earlier because of improved screening.
Well, that’s partially true. But it certainly can’t account for the dramatic rise of early-onset cancer diagnoses across the board.
Because the truth is, we can’t always chalk it up to “bad genes” or “bad luck.”
There are modifiable risk factors. And the sooner we change some behaviors, the better off we’ll ALL be…
14 cancers are on the rise
In a new paper published in Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, authors highlighted a global increase of 14 different cancer types among young adults.
Those include breast, colorectum, endometrium, esophagus, extrahepatic bile duct, gallbladder, head/neck, kidney, liver, bone marrow, pancreas, prostate, stomach, and thyroid cancer.
Now, eight of those fourteen related to the digestive system. And that emphasizes the role diet and oral health play in cancer risk.
(At long last, more research is focusing on the role of the gut microbiome as it relates to overall health!)
In my view, this increase is likely linked to how drastically our lifestyles have changed over the years. (Especially since the 1950s.)
Just think about it…
We’re now an “on the go” society, reaching for any type of convenient meal and lessening time spent on healthy habits, like oral hygiene and sleep, to name a few.
And the fact that cancer is rising in younger people?
Well, they’re the ones that have been raised on poor dietary choices! They tend to TRASH their digestive tracts—and all the good bacteria that live inside—by eating junk, fast, and processed foods far too often.
Simple lifestyle changes
My advice? It’s nothing you haven’t heard here before.
Stick to a balanced diet full of healthy, unprocessed foods. I always recommend focusing on lean protein, fresh produce, and nuts.
(I remember how food used to taste when I was a kid. Nowadays, to get any sort of exciting flavor, I have to buy organic and seasonal. Not only is it worth it for my taste buds, but for my overall health, too.)
And be mindful of any prescription medication that could harm your gut, like antibiotics and steroids.
Finally, get consistent exercise (aim for 20 minutes daily) and good sleep (seven to nine hours each night). These will always be cornerstones to good health and, hopefully, warding off a cancer diagnosis.
For more science-based strategies to fight cancer at any age, check out my Essential Cancer Protocol. Click here to learn more!
Until next time,
Dr. Fred
“Is Early-Onset Cancer an Emerging Global Epidemic?.” Medscape, 09/26/2022. (