Oftentimes people simply don’t exercise because they aim too high.
That recommended 150 minutes of weekly physical activity? It ends up intimidating most folks.
But if you’re a regular reader, then you know there’s no such thing as “wasted movement.”
Meaning that doing something—anything—is better than doing nothing at all.
And that’s especially true when it comes to the simplest form of exercise out there…
Walk out of pain
Walking is a normal part of my life. And I love encouraging others to walk as often as possible.
After all, it’s a simple, effective way to stay physically active… and healthy.
For example, I recently disclosed how regular walking can help slash your risk of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
And now, according to new research, it can alleviate lower back pain.
Researchers drew data from the WalkBack trial, performed in Australia. It followed over 700 adults who recently experienced low back pain.
Half of the participants (the intervention group) followed an individualized walking program, whereas the other half served as a control group (no walking).
While target goals were individualized among the intervention group, the main goal was to walk five times per week for at least 30 minutes daily by six months.
Well, according to participants’ diaries, during the first week, the median time spent walking was three times a week. By week 12, that increased to four times a week.
(I find it interesting that folks couldn’t commit to five days per week. Not to mention, it was a guided intervention with professional supervision and support! I wonder what would happen if these people were left to their own devices? Anyway…)
Ultimately, even these light amounts of walking translated to fewer repeat episodes of lower back pain. In addition, those in the intervention group went nearly 100 days longer before a recurrence, compared to the control group!
As you can see, no amount of walking was considered “wasted” movement in this trial. And, hopefully, you find that quite encouraging.
Light walking is all it takes
Luckily, (though I hesitate to write this) I have not experienced lower back pain. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to write off these findings.
After all, pain in the lower back is increasingly common. Plus, about seven in 10 people who recover from an episode will face a recurrence within the following year.
Folks, not only is walking free… but it’s relatively easy for anyone to do.
If you need some encouragement, recruit a walking buddy. There’s no shame in needing the support of others. Or—reach out to someone who can provide a bit of instruction, if that’s something that helps you.
As for me, I now have reason to recommend 30 minutes of light walking five times per week to anyone who comes to my office with lower back pain. And that’s what I encourage you, or anyone you know who suffers, to do, too.
For more insight into how to relieve and eliminate any type of acute or chronic pain, I suggest checking out my Essential Pain Protocol. Click here now to learn more about this comprehensive learning tool.
“Walking brings huge benefits for low back pain.” ScienceDaily, 06/20/2024. (sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/06/240620152321.htm)