Smart diabetes management doesn’t have a “type”

Question: What are your recommendations for Type 1 diabetes?

Dr. Fred: I’m really glad you asked. Because so much of the diabetes conversation today focuses on type 2 diabetes. With a particular emphasis on it being a preventable—even reversible—condition. So, it’s easy to see how someone with type 1 diabetes (which is certainly a more permanent form of the disease) might assume the same advice doesn’t apply to them.

Luckily, though, that’s just not true.

You may always depend on insulin to keep your blood sugar under control. But that doesn’t mean you can’t minimize the risks of type 1 diabetes with the right nutrition, regular exercise, and yes—even supplementation.

As a regular reader of mine, you’re probably already pretty familiar with my core diabetes management recommendations. (If not, you can refer back to the report “Diabetes-Free in Just 6 Weeks,” which you received when you first subscribed to Logical Health Alternatives.*) These strategies all apply to type 1 diabetes, too.

My only word of caution would be concerning supplement dosages. Despite what mainstream medicine and Big Pharma would like you to believe, supplements don’t just give you expensive urine. They have very real pharmacological effects. (Though usually few, if any, of the kinds of negative side effects that come with synthetic drugs.)

As a type 1 diabetic, these effects may require closer monitoring when it comes to day-to-day blood sugar management. And depending on your situation, you may need a higher or lower dose than I typically recommend, too.

That’s why it’s essential to work with a doctor who has a thorough understanding of diabetes nutrition and supplementation. The American College for Advancement in Medicine ( is a great place to find one. Just enter your zip code into the search engine on their website to find a list of experienced practitioners near you.