Stave off DEATH by stretching?

There’s nothing quite like a good, long stretch when you wake up in the morning.

Or, at the very least, to accompany a solid exercise routine.

Yesterday I shared some intriguing results about how stretching can help boost longevity and strength as you age.

But that’s not the only benefit to this flexibility activity

Stay upright

Stretching can boost strength, flexibility, and balance.

And this trio will help boost your performance—no matter how fit you are.

But maintaining balance as you age is especially imperative, as it could mean you’ll be less likely to suffer a fall—or to get injured if you do fall.

Remember, falls are a leading cause of death among seniors.

And that’s still not all this simple activity can do…

Pump it up

How often do you feel stiff after long periods of sitting? Well, that stiffness may actually extend inward—ultimately leading to arterial stiffness.

In fact, regular sedentary behavior can lessen the rate in which your blood vessels distribute blood around your body

But research shows stretching could help safeguard your cardiovascular health—by improving arterial function, while also reducing resting heart rate and blood pressure.

And these benefits might just save your life.

See, atherosclerosis (the hardening of the arteries) can lead to serious cardiovascular complications, like a heart attack or stroke.

Not to mention, the lower your RHR, the better. In fact, higher beats per minute could triple death risk!

(Read more in the April 2022 issue of my monthly Logical Health Alternatives newsletter. Subscribers, click here to log in with your credentials and gain immediate access. To become a member, scroll down and look for the red button below.)

And high blood pressure is among the greatest predictors of heart disease, the nation’s No. 1 killer.

So, if something as simple as stretching can help improve circulation—and in turn, boost cardiovascular health—why not give it a try?

I’m always a big fan of “the simpler, the better.” And that’s the stance I take with stretching.

Ideally, a flexibility routine will work the entire body. But if that’s too big a stretch for you—pun intended—then start with one or two stretches that work your most problematic (stiffest) areas.

The best part is, you can gain benefits by committing just a few minutes daily to stretching. As I have always told you, consistency is far more important than quantity. A little effort every day is far more powerful than doing a whole lot every so often.

So, once again, find a way to add a good, solid stretching routine to your day. You can turn online to Google or YouTube for some guidance.


“Is Stretching Now Underrated? Accumulating Research Says Yes.” Medscape, 02/27/24. (