Stroke risk associated with diabetes

Strike three

We’ve known that diabetes increases risk of stroke. But how soon does that risk set in?

It’s a critical question, as ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke. It’s caused by blocked blood flow in the brain. And it can do significant damage.

The study involved 2,398 people who had never had a stroke. All were around 69 years old. At the study’s start, 22% had diabetes. About 9 years later, 10% more had developed diabetes; 244 people had developed ischemic strokes.

After taking into account factors that could skew their results–like blood pressure, heart disease, smoking, and cholesterol, researchers found:

Risk of stroke increases 3% each year…

  • 70% stroke risk in people with diabetes for less than five years.
  • 80% risk with diabetes for five to 10 years
  • Three-fold risk after diabetes for 10 years or more.

That’s right–a TRIPLE risk of stroke when you’ve had diabetes a decade or more.

And that’s not all. Very often, people have diabetes for several years before it’s diagnosed. Some 4 to 7 years earlier. So, by the time you get the diagnosis, your stroke risk is already 70% or so.

If you have diabetes, you’ve got to take this seriously. Get started on my New Hamptons Health Miracle if you haven’t already. It’s the simplest, most enjoyable solution there is to turning diabetes on its head. And that’s the simple formula for kicking stroke out of the ballpark.