Sugar’s secret assault on your brain

Will wonders never cease?

Earlier this year, the German Society of Neurology and the German Brain Foundation revealed that too much sugar can harm the brain.

Do you think the American College of Neurology is saying the same thing?

I’d bet NOT.

And that’s a true tragedy…

Less is more

Did you know that stroke and dementia are among the leading causes of death worldwide?

In the U.S., they are among the top three most burdensome neurological disorders.

Maybe it’s time we take a hint from Germany and other countries when understanding how dietary choices impact our brain. Don’t you agree?

Of course, some might argue that the brain needs sugar to function optimally. But here in America, we can never quite be satisfied with the “less is more approach.” As such, we overload our bodies…

Too much sugar, too many calories, too much nicotine, too much alcohol… you get the point.

The average German consumes 73 pounds of sugar yearly (still way too much!). But here in the U.S., we average a whopping 100 pounds each year.

And at least the German Nutrition Society is trying to tackle this overconsumption. It recommends no more than 36 pounds per person annually. And that includes ALL sugar sources. So, not just added sugar—but also naturally occurring sugar like what’s in fruit and honey.

Here’s why that’s so important…

Sugar kills in more ways than one

High blood sugar levels damage blood vessels, limiting blood, oxygen, and nutrient flow to the brain—which can contribute to vascular dementia.

(Yet another reason why Type 2 diabetes in particular is such a dangerous disease!)

Moreover, complex sugar molecules like glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) directly impair cognition by disrupting synapses between nerve cells, impacting brain plasticity and function.

Plus, the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research reiterated that regular consumption of high-sugar and high-fat foods can lead to a vicious addictive cycle—where your body craves more. (We discussed this last week!)

Bottom line? It’s not hard to see why these German foundations support the call for a tax on sugar. After all, #sugarkillz. And the sooner you realize it, the better.

If you need help breaking your sugar addiction, check out the August 2022 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives (“Cut your DEADLY sugar addiction in THREE DAYS”). Click here to learn more!

P.S. For additional ways to help protect your brain against these deadly neurological diseases, check out the Health Science’s Institute innovative learning tool—HSI’s Brilliant Brain Protocol. Click here to learn more!


“Sugar May Drive Dementia, German Medical Societies Warn.” Medscape, 07/26/2024. (