There’s no doubt, Americans are addicted to sugar. And in our collective quest to ditch the white stuff, many give in to the marketing gimmicks of artificial sweeteners. Of course, I’ve reported [...]
There’s no doubt, Americans are addicted to sugar. And in our collective quest to ditch the white stuff, many give in to the marketing gimmicks of artificial sweeteners. Of course, I’ve reported [...]
Americans are often—especially in terms of health—looking for an easy fix to a complex issue. We like black and white solutions… something that’s quick, simple, and easily attainable. Nope, we [...]
Artificial sweeteners… Many folks believe they’re the better alternative to sugar… And, indeed, Big Food and Big Pharma suggest they help consumers lose or maintain weight, stabilize blood sugar, [...]
Something must be afoot. I mean, there have been way too many articles slamming artificial sweeteners in the news lately. Now, don’t get me wrong. This is music to my ears. But there has to be a [...]
I have never been a big fan of artificial sweeteners. And that includes the “latest-and-greatest” sugar alcohols. I don’t like the marketing power behind them… the gastrointestinal side effects [...]
The truth is slowly seeping out about artificial sweeteners… And it’s about time. (If you ask me, these substances should be banned!) Yesterday, we talked about how they wreak havoc on our [...]
It’s funny when conventional medicine thinks they stumbled upon a groundbreaking discovery… When in reality, it’s something we’veknown for ages. Case in point: they’re [...]
Experts predict the annual number of cancer cases in the U.S. will increase by nearly 50 percent by 2050. And there’s one culprit that’s increasing this risk exponentially. It relates to our [...]
By now, you know how I feel about animal studies. Are they useful? As a springboard for future research, certainly. But at the end of the day, their conclusions have limited value to actual human [...]