I was a very heavy child—and later, a very heavy teen. It’s one of the reasons why childhood obesity is such an important, personal issue to me. (It’s also why I wrote my first book, Feed Your [...]
I was a very heavy child—and later, a very heavy teen. It’s one of the reasons why childhood obesity is such an important, personal issue to me. (It’s also why I wrote my first book, Feed Your [...]
In keeping with yesterday’s “obesity kills” theme, I have another terrifying study to share with you today. One that you can’t afford to ignore. Because here’s the truth: You simply don’t have to [...]
Earlier this year, I told you about the sharp rise in obesity-related cancer diagnoses among young Americans between the ages of 25 and 49. In case you missed it, a recent study showed that the [...]
We’ve known for many years—at least since the 1970s—that heart disease starts young. And yet, for at least that long, people haven’t bothered to do anything about it. Well… most people. Way back [...]
By now, you know how I feel about the term “fat but fit.” It’s a misnomer at best… and a lethal lie at worst. Still, it’s not hard to see what makes the concept so appealing. Body acceptance is [...]
Remember what I said Tuesday about permanent weight loss being a recovery process? Well today, I’d like to tackle a related topic… relapse. Of course, most people call it yo-yo dieting. But if [...]
It seems the “early to bed, early to rise” proverb has a new benefit to add to the payback of being “healthy, wealthy and wise.” And that’s a lower BMI. Previous studies have shown that not [...]
Here we go again. A new study found that high body mass index (BMI) is to blame for nearly half a million cases of cancer each year worldwide. In other words, if you’re overweight, you’re more [...]
If you’ve been reading the Reality Health Check for a while (or just look around at the number of unlimited buffets in your area), you’re well aware that we’re living in an obese nation. But, [...]
I’ve warned you about it over and over again. But just in case there’s any doubt left in your mind that excess weight contributes to cancer, I have even more proof. A new study published in one [...]