Do you ever feel like, no matter how hard you try, you just cannot get enough good, quality sleep? And so other areas of your life also suffer? Maybe it means you’re tired and grumpy… Or worse, [...]
Do you ever feel like, no matter how hard you try, you just cannot get enough good, quality sleep? And so other areas of your life also suffer? Maybe it means you’re tired and grumpy… Or worse, [...]
As many of you know, our brains are predominantly fat. That’s why certain medications—like statins, which reduce cholesterol—may be detrimental to brain health. And while I advocate for a [...]
Who doesn’t love a good nap? I know I do… And now, we don’t even have to feel guilty about it. That’s because new research reveals something deep within your brain may be hard at work while you [...]
I do as many things as I can to keep my brain healthy, sharp, and active. That includes crossword puzzles, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and smart supplementation. Plus, I’m [...]
I don’t know about you, but I do everything and anything I can to keep my brain healthy, alert, and active. Of course, we hear about SO many different things to do, or take, or stop. And I’d be [...]
There’s something you could be doing RIGHT NOW… That might just save your BRAIN later in life. More specifically, your cognition AND your memory. Who wouldn’t want to reap those benefits? [...]
It’s no secret that physical activity has many health effects. Some studies even emphasize how any type of movement—from walking and running, to gardening and house cleaning, and more—is [...]
Do you ever sit down after an afternoon stroll… Crack open a book or magazine… And the next thing you know, you’re waking up wondering how long you were out for this time? It’s no secret people [...]
I’ll never forget when that documentary came out called “Super Size Me” and the doctor didn’t think the person would have any health issues after eating fast food for 30 days in a row. I mean, [...]
Dear Reader, In many ways, the pandemic has lasting effects… Especially when it comes to feeling lonely. And with another month before spring arrives, some struggle with an extra dimension of [...]
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