Americans are suffering from depression more than ever before. And of course, the long, dark days of winter—followed by the dreary, rainy days of spring—can impact most anyone’s mood. If you or a [...]
Americans are suffering from depression more than ever before. And of course, the long, dark days of winter—followed by the dreary, rainy days of spring—can impact most anyone’s mood. If you or a [...]
Did you know there’s an “invisible” condition that could be responsible for nearly anything that ails you? In fact, inflammation has been linked to three in five deaths worldwide… As well as a [...]
During these bright days of summer, it’s sometimes “easy to forget” about those suffering in the dark. In fact, many people tend to attribute depression (or bouts of seasonal sadness) to the [...]
If you suffer from depression, you can be trapped by your feelings and find yourself unable to escape the downward spiral. And while depression is not a “typical illness”—like the flu [...]
We all feel down sometimes. It’s a natural reaction to certain situations. But depression is much more than that. It can negatively affect our family, work, social life, and more. Fortunately, a [...]
Americans—both young and old—are suffering from anxiety and depression more than ever before. And while the pandemic has been a recent factor, we can’t solely blame this on COVID-19. The fact [...]
As the population continues to age, it’s all researchers can do to keep up and desperately try to solve the memory-loss puzzle. After all, dementia plagues MILLIONS of people each year—and that [...]
Two years ago I talked about how one of the many benefits of eating a diet rich in fish is that it can help relieve symptoms of depression. Indeed, in Japan, they eat fish for breakfast, lunch, [...]
Unlike resveratrol, Vitamin D did claim a spot on my Desert Island Supplement List this year, thanks to a constant flow of research supporting its sheer range of benefits—from fighting cancer to [...]
It’s that time of year (at least in the North) where it seems like spring will never come. At least here in NYC, everyone is cranky and the edginess is palpable: One ride on a rush-hour subway is [...]