Are we really still debating the nutritional value of eggs? And spending precious research dollars to investigate a question we answered a long time ago? Have these researchers been living under [...]
Are we really still debating the nutritional value of eggs? And spending precious research dollars to investigate a question we answered a long time ago? Have these researchers been living under [...]
If you know me at all, you know I love eggs. WITH the yolks. When I hear people order egg-white omelets because they’ve been told the yolk is “fattening” or “full of cholesterol,” I cringe. Yes, [...]
Now that the 2015 Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee has recommended banishing the government’s long-standing warnings against dietary cholesterol, I’m hoping some of my favorite foods finally [...]
I’ve been saying this for years. But now a new study confirms that eggs do not—I repeat, do not—have an adverse effect on the heart. Even in patients with diabetes, who are already at increased [...]
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