I’m committed to keeping you current on all the latest health news. That includes any atrocity that you commonly come into contact with. And when it comes to chemical dangers… The information is [...]

I’m committed to keeping you current on all the latest health news. That includes any atrocity that you commonly come into contact with. And when it comes to chemical dangers… The information is [...]
Yesterday we talked about how chemistry propels us forward in some ways… While threatening our very existence in others. I also highlighted a study that shows the “chemistry-cancer” connection is [...]
Decades ago, when I first started practicing medicine, I was introduced to the fermentation process. In fact, an old co-worker of mine, Klara, was growing kombucha in her office. (Yes, in her [...]
So now that we’ve covered what we, as a country, are doing wrong where diet is concerned—thanks to the USDA—I thought I would spend today talking about one simple thing you can do to stay on the [...]
Happy Thanksgiving! This year’s Turkey Day may look a little different. But I hope that you’re counting the same blessings that you do every year… and sharing it with the people you love, even if [...]
The news about exercise just keeps getting better for people on either side of their weight loss journey. In fact, another study—published early this year in the journal Health Psychology—showed [...]
I come across a lot of thought-provoking research in my tireless quest to figure out why the world is so overweight. But this latest study was particularly eye-opening to me. And it won’t take [...]
Am I Woody Allen in the movie Bananas? Did I wake up from a bad dream to find myself in a world I don’t recognize? Granted, I feel that way about a lot of things right now. But after being [...]
As I was sitting at home one evening, I noticed I got a direct message via Facebook. It was from a dear, old friend of mine. She said: “Honestly Fred, I have this dilemma quite often. I’m eating [...]