It’s routine procedure to take a patient’s vital signs anytime they’re in a medical environment. And that should always include blood pressure (BP) readings. But did you know research suggests a [...]
It’s routine procedure to take a patient’s vital signs anytime they’re in a medical environment. And that should always include blood pressure (BP) readings. But did you know research suggests a [...]
If you have a newly diagnosed case of high blood pressure, you’re not alone. Hypertension is easily one of the country’s most common conditions, and threshold targets for drug treatment [...]
I’m sure you’re well aware by now that most illnesses have diagnosis and treatment guidelines that medical practitioners are advised to follow. And if you’ve been a reader of mine for a while, [...]
Heart disease may be losing ground to cancer as America’s top killer. But don’t think for a second that this makes it any less lethal. By the numbers, heart disease is still the country’s leading [...]
Every time a study is published touting the incredible health benefits of exercise, I always wonder how it got to see the light of day… And this latest study is no exception. Because if everyone [...]
In all the years I’ve been writing this newsletter, how many times have I talked about consistency? I can’t even begin to count. I do, however, know this for sure — pretty much every time [...]
After meeting with a flurry of controversy awhile back, it seems vitamin E is finally getting the credit it deserves from the scientific community. Recent research has suggested that vitamin E [...]
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