Let’s talk about keto. Many of you know about the ketogenic diet—maybe you even follow it. But do you know its history … And how it can help during all stages of life? Strive to achieve ketosis [...]
Let’s talk about keto. Many of you know about the ketogenic diet—maybe you even follow it. But do you know its history … And how it can help during all stages of life? Strive to achieve ketosis [...]
Yesterday, I talked to you about how the ketogenic diet can help TACKLE polycystic ovary syndrome in women. But the health benefits of my favorite diet keep trickling in… giving us one extreme [...]
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I can’t say enough about the ketogenic diet. There have been very positive reports on its potential therapeutic role against several health [...]
After decades defending the positives of ketones in the blood (and on the breath), I’m pleased to report that modern American medicine may finally be catching up. (Instead of trying to shut me [...]
With everyone jumping on the plant–based diet bandwagon these days, I try to bring some sense to the narrative whenever I can. It’s not that I don’t understand the trend. After all, I [...]
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