Given yesterday’s discussion on how diabetes dramatically increases COVID death risk, I thought I’d take some time today to talk about the single best way to get your blood sugar under control. [...]
Given yesterday’s discussion on how diabetes dramatically increases COVID death risk, I thought I’d take some time today to talk about the single best way to get your blood sugar under control. [...]
Well, another holiday season is over. And it’s back to business as usual. (That is, as usual as any business has been since COVID-19 came to town.) Without a doubt, 2020 has changed life [...]
For some reason, the powers-that-be are committed to defending the status quo, no matter how much logic they have to defy in the process. So I’ve come to terms with the fact that the news I [...]
Alert the presses! Researchers out of Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School “just discovered” that following a low-carbohydrate diet leads to “exceptional” blood sugar [...]
Care to join me as I step back and take a few deep breaths? Because what came across my desk this morning made me furious, on so many different levels. According to a recent article I just read, [...]
Few things have been debated in the diet arena as much as the “low carb vs. low fat” argument. Of course, if you are one of my avid followers, you know which camp I’m in — and hopefully [...]
In the first study, conducted at Johns Hopkins University’s Adult Epilepsy Diet Center, researchers analyzed data from 78 study participants following a modified Atkins diet. And in just one [...]