I really don’t think we need another study proving the health benefits of a Mediterranean-style diet. Not when that time and money could be better spent figuring out how to make it easy and [...]
I really don’t think we need another study proving the health benefits of a Mediterranean-style diet. Not when that time and money could be better spent figuring out how to make it easy and [...]
I truly believe in the “we are what we eat” philosophy—thanks especially to my grandmother. Of course, I generally tend to look at this from a more metabolic point of view. But a new study [...]
I know I’m always bringing up the benefits of the Mediterranean diet — and its close relatives, my Hamptons Diet and The A-list Diet. And all for good reason… The fact is that many Americans [...]
I’ve shared a fair amount of menopause research recently. Like the study showing vitamin D fights postmenopausal metabolic syndrome. And the one that highlighted how eating a Mediterranean-style [...]
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It is always comforting to find another tool in the arsenal to protect ourselves against devastating diseases like Alzheimer’s, isn’t it? And it’s even better when that brain protection tool [...]
I know I share a lot of headlines and news stories coming from Europe. But there’s a good reason. I think they are light years ahead of us here in the U.S. when it comes to how much nonsense they [...]
You know I’m a firm believer that there’s no such thing as “just getting old.” The symptoms many people—doctors included—associate with aging actually have other underlying causes. Ones that can [...]
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