Who doesn’t want to slow down their rate of cognitive decline… And keep those memories intact and active? Well, a new study suggests having FUN might make all the difference. Let me explain… Have [...]
Who doesn’t want to slow down their rate of cognitive decline… And keep those memories intact and active? Well, a new study suggests having FUN might make all the difference. Let me explain… Have [...]
Last week, we talked about how walnuts may improve behavior—and even symptoms of ADHD—in our teenage population. So today, I want to expand on ways to help our younger generations achieve better [...]
We’ve all suffered in some way during this ongoing pandemic. But healthcare workers have been hit especially hard. Because while everyone made their own risk assessments about COVID-19, medical [...]
Are you addicted to social media? Maybe you log on to keep up with old classmates… or for news updates and reactions… or to see what your grandchildren are up to. No matter what the reason, [...]
If you follow me on social media, you know how much I love to cook. Not only is it fun—the anticipation of cooking a special dinner makes me giddy just thinking about it!—but when you cook your [...]
Social media took on a new level of importance during the pandemic—especially during lockdown. For a lot of people, platforms like Facebook and Instagram emerged as key sources of information [...]
Americans—both young and old—are suffering from anxiety and depression more than ever before. And while the pandemic has been a recent factor, we can’t solely blame this on COVID-19. The fact [...]
The holidays are here again—yet the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cast a shadow over usual traditions. And rather than tidings of comfort and joy, some of us are just feeling anxious. [...]
As the population continues to age, it’s all researchers can do to keep up and desperately try to solve the memory-loss puzzle. After all, dementia plagues MILLIONS of people each year—and that [...]
Just yesterday, we talked about how early intervention for any disease—and Alzheimer’s disease, in particular—is the best strategy for prevention. And on Monday, we discussed the [...]