It’s amusing to me how everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon of nutritional supplementation. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it. Still, the study I want to share today genuinely surprised me… [...]

It’s amusing to me how everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon of nutritional supplementation. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it. Still, the study I want to share today genuinely surprised me… [...]
The anti-aging business is huge these days. After all, we’re all looking to age gracefully and in good health. But what if I told you that a ‘golden’ supplement may be the key [...]
The powers-that-be are always reluctant to recommend fish oil due to its ability to thin the blood. So, they often distance themselves from any findings that support its unique benefits on [...]
The Feast of the Seven Fishes might be my favorite Christmas Eve tradition ever. And not just because it’s been a huge part of my own Italian-American family’s festivities… I love [...]
Proper nutrition may not be a magic bullet for every problem. But it is a key component to most of them. And that’s particularly true for mood swings. And I’m not just talking about “hangry” [...]
There’s so much research on clinical nutrition out there. And yet, a startling number of people still don’t seem to understand that what you eat plays an enormous role in your overall health. [...]
Two years ago I talked about how one of the many benefits of eating a diet rich in fish is that it can help relieve symptoms of depression. Indeed, in Japan, they eat fish for breakfast, lunch, [...]
Are you serious about fighting ALS? Well I’m not going to ask you to stand under a bucket of ice water to prove it. But I am going to urge you to share this information with everyone you [...]
It should have been big news. But once again, the silence was deafening. Researchers in Norway looked at data from more than 23,000 people between the ages of 25 and 97, collected over 16 years. [...]
The research I’m about to share with you solidly reaffirms one of my long-held beliefs. Namely, if you take nothing else, you have to take your fish oil. Yes, I write about studies like these on [...]
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