Just a few years ago, I wrote a book called Boost Your Health with Bacteria. At the time, I included all the latest science. And it’s still a great place to start if you want get a better [...]
Just a few years ago, I wrote a book called Boost Your Health with Bacteria. At the time, I included all the latest science. And it’s still a great place to start if you want get a better [...]
This is definitely an exciting and brave new world. I say that because nutritional supplements are beginning to get their due from scientific studies that prove what we’ve known about them for a [...]
I know I talk a lot about probiotics. Heck, I’ve written an entire book on the topic. But the research supporting their use continues to mount. And until they become as commonly recommended as [...]
Today I’m taking on yogurt. Yes, even the “Greek” varieties. Because I can’t believe that to this day, people still think yogurt is a health food. But I guess that’s marketing for you. So I was [...]
Eating well is so easy, a monkey could do it. Actually, according to a new finding, monkeys do do it—a lot better than we do, in fact. A recent study done at the University of Texas at Austin [...]
It’s that time of the year again: cold and flu season. And, as many of you know from first-hand experience, kids are often the biggest culprits when it comes to spreading these viruses. I’m not [...]
Step away from the plastic. According to new research, increased levels of phthalates, chemicals found in plastic and some personal care products, are associated with significant declines in [...]
Another day, another study on the incredible power of probiotics. And with cold and flu season right around the corner, this one couldn’t have come at a better time. According to this new [...]
I’m sure you’ve noticed that I don’t talk about animal studies very often. It’s a very deliberate decision. After all, it’s a pretty big leap in logic to assume a result you get in mice will [...]
I never thought I’d be tipping my hat to the American Heart Association in a conversation about blood pressure control. But there’s a first time for everything. And the latest study to appear in [...]