It wasn’t long ago that we talked about sleep apnea. It’s one of those conditions that often flies under the radar. Or, at the very least, gets left untreated for far too long—since conventional [...]
It wasn’t long ago that we talked about sleep apnea. It’s one of those conditions that often flies under the radar. Or, at the very least, gets left untreated for far too long—since conventional [...]
Sleep apnea. Most people dread this diagnosis because its treatment isn’t well-tolerated. But when left untreated, research reveals its effects can be DIRE. Fatal effects I’m sure you’ve heard [...]
This isn’t the first time I’ve talked about the importance of getting good sleep, but I’m bringing it up again because I’ve read an alarming new study. The study’s researchers concluded that [...]
Just last week, I reminded you of the dire importance of getting enough sleep. Today, I want to explain why the quality of the sleep you get is just as important as the quantity. Australian [...]