It’s exciting to see research looking into how food interacts with illness. After all, it’s been a long time coming. Centuries, even! Of course, you already know how I feel about our toxic food [...]
It’s exciting to see research looking into how food interacts with illness. After all, it’s been a long time coming. Centuries, even! Of course, you already know how I feel about our toxic food [...]
This week, we’ve talked about the health-preserving power of getting enough sleep AND finding the “perfect” bedtime. So, today, let’s talk about the power of a well-timed meal. Because the [...]
I don’t know about you, but I need all the help I can get to stay focused during these long summer days. After all, it’s hard to keep your head down when your mind is still stuck at the [...]
I don’t really subscribe to the whole “healthy snacking” mantra that pervades modern dieting advice. Mostly because, if you’re eating right in the first place, you [...]
Finally, a form of snacking I can get behind. If you have a tough time fitting an hour or even 20 minutes of exercise into your schedule, listen up. Experts say that short, 10-minute bursts of [...]
I can’t remember the last time I had a snack. When I tell people this, I usually get a dumbfounded stare in response. We’ve become so used to snacking in this country that people [...]
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