We spend a lot of time thinking about our immune systems these days—and how we can support it. But there’s another system that works together with your immune system to keep our bodies running [...]
We spend a lot of time thinking about our immune systems these days—and how we can support it. But there’s another system that works together with your immune system to keep our bodies running [...]
Throughout my entire career, I’ve recommended and prescribed natural thyroid preparations that include both T3 and T4, almost exclusively. After all, our bodies need both hormones to function [...]
Believe it or not, mainstream medical outlets are actually talking about the benefits of natural thyroid replacement. And you know what? It’s about time. I’ve been using natural thyroid [...]
The sad fact is, conventional doctors have been taught to look at one number—and one number only—when evaluating a patient’s thyroid function. And that’s their thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) [...]
Yesterday, I talked to you about the benefits of my preferred form of natural thyroid hormone replacement. I also explained why the typical approach to treating hypothyroid — levothyroxine, which [...]
Levothyroxine, or Synthroid, is the main drug doctors prescribe for an underactive thyroid. But I’ve found that many of my patients don’t like the way they feel — or just don’t feel like [...]
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