Do you ever read a news story or research paper and wonder how the heck a certain conclusion was made? If so, you’re not alone. Case in point: The VITAL study was designed to primarily study the [...]
Do you ever read a news story or research paper and wonder how the heck a certain conclusion was made? If so, you’re not alone. Case in point: The VITAL study was designed to primarily study the [...]
I wish the media would either report facts and let us decide how we feel about said facts… Or stop writing about things they know nothing about. I mean, why are they “spinning” health stories [...]
Given the continued controversy surrounding vitamin D… And mainstream medicine continuously telling us it does nothing for our health… Along comes new research to once again prove them all WRONG. [...]
The Feast of the Seven Fishes might be my favorite Christmas Eve tradition ever. And not just because it’s been a huge part of my own Italian-American family’s festivities… I love [...]
I’ve been shouting from the rooftops for years that everyone — adults and children alike — should be getting their vitamin D levels tested on a regular basis. But unfortunately, the [...]
Unlike resveratrol, Vitamin D did claim a spot on my Desert Island Supplement List this year, thanks to a constant flow of research supporting its sheer range of benefits—from fighting cancer to [...]
On Tuesday, I told you how getting more melatonin could be the surprising secret to beating breast cancer. Today, I want to talk to you about a slightly less surprising—but equally powerful—ally [...]
Sunny deficient Vitamin D deficiency has hit epidemic proportions among all demographics in this country. But obese kids are at especially high risk. There are probably a couple of reasons for [...]
Looks like vitamin D is making headlines again. And in these darkest days of the year, I can’t think of a better time to share the latest news about the sunshine vitamin. According to a [...]
Lots of people complain that their energy dips during the colder, darker months. And the results of a new study reveal one possible reason why. Too little sunshine could be dragging you down. [...]
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