Testosterone replacement therapy gets a green light

September is prostate cancer awareness month.

Perhaps you, or a loved one, have men’s health top of mind.

Of course, many people—thanks to the mainstream—associate testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with prostate cancer risk.

But I’ve never batted an eye at that type of fear-mongering.

And now, a new study confirms I was right all along…

Are there risks?

For years, concerns about cardiovascular health and prostate cancer overshadowed the perception of TRT as a viable treatment for men with low-T (testosterone).

But the new TRAVERSE study, published in The Lancet medical journal, should finally put those fears to bed.

It’s the largest randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial to examine the effect of testosterone therapy on cardiovascular and prostate cancer risks.

To start, researchers with Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston randomly divided about 4,000 men with clinically low-T into two groups:

  • The first group received testosterone treatment (usually via injections or gels)
  • The second group received a placebo with no active ingredient

Then, researchers followed the men, usually spanning several years, monitoring testosterone levels, symptoms, and cardiac events.

Here’s what they found…

Myth-shattering results

Researchers landed on clear evidence that TRT does NOT significantly raise the risk of heart attacks, strokes, or prostate cancer.

Moreover, the men receiving TRT reported significant improvements in sexual activity, libido, mood, and fatigue.

Hmm… looks like I was right on the money—once again!

Not only does TRT improve the debilitating symptoms associated with low-T…

It does so WITHOUT increasing the risk of developing severe health issues!

If you or a loved one suffer with low-T, don’t turn a blind eye to TRT.

In fact, I explain about how you can monitor your levels, determine a healthy range, and safely replacement testosterone in the current issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives. As a subscriber, be sure to check it out!

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“The TRAVERSE trial: cardiovascular safety of testosterone therapy for older men.” The Lancet, 8/31/23. (thelancet.com/journals/landia/article/PIIS2213-8587(23)00254-1/abstract)