The deadly toll of obesity-related cancer

We’ve talked a fair amount about the rise in obesity-related cancer. But sometimes, even I’m shocked by the details of the reports coming out.

A new study shows a rise in six obesity-related cancer diagnoses among young Americans between the ages of 25 and 49 over the last two decades.

(We’re in the middle of a national obesity crisis. So the fact that more young people are being diagnosed with obesity-related cancer isn’t surprising by itself.)

But the increase in cancer rates among this young demographic actually outpaced those among older adults (aged 50 plus) in the same time frame. And I don’t know about you, but I find that pretty disturbing.

Six different cancers striking earlier than ever

The six obesity-related cancers that saw increases in this younger demographic were:

  • Colorectal cancer
  • Gallbladder cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Uterine cancer

Cancers that didn’t rise among this group include breast, esophageal, gastric, liver, thyroid, ovarian, and intrahepatic bile duct cancers. But that hardly makes this good news.

The results are so shocking that even the American Cancer Society sounded an alarm!

But why shouldn’t they? Think about it: Most cancers occur in older adults. Which means that as this younger generation gets older, the burden of obesity-related cancer will only increase that much more.

Of course, doctors—many of whom are totally controlled by the institutions that pay them and the big companies that fund their research—aren’t all in agreement about the link between obesity and cancer. In fact, one “expert” went so far as to question the link entirely.

Granted this is an observational study. Which means that its conclusions aren’t especially cut and dried. (A limitation that last week’s outrageous egg study aptly illustrated.)

But are we really going to sit here and pretend that obesity—not to mention the sugar intake that leads to it—isn’t directly implicated in cancer development?

A suggestion for these dodos: How about actually reading the literature? Or they could just subscribe to my monthly Logical Health Alternatives newsletter and I’ll do the work for them. Either way, they’d be better informed.

Cancer rates spike among the youngest adults

Another interesting fact worth noting from this study: The younger the person, the higher the likelihood of being diagnosed with one of the six cancers in question.

Here’s what I mean by that: For pancreatic cancer, the average yearly change was 1 percent or less among people 40- to 84-years old. That jumped to 1.3 percent among ages 35 to 39—and even higher, to 2.5 percent among 30- to 34-year-olds.

The youngest group—people aged 25 to 29—saw a 4.3 percent rise in pancreatic cancer. This is more than four times as high as their oldest counterparts. But, tellingly, the researchers didn’t observe this trend when they looked at data on cancers without ties to obesity.

I don’t need to explain why this should concern you. But I will: Over the last 35 years, U.S. obesity rates have risen by 60 percent among American adults—and more than doubled among kids.

Anyone can see that the concurrent rise in cancer rates (especially in a population that you would otherwise expect to be healthy) is no coincidence.

Could the poisons in our food supply be contributing to this trend? Absolutely! The more you weigh, the more you eat, and the more exposure you have to countless toxins.

But let’s not forget that obesity is associated with a number of health conditions—including diabetes, gallstones, bowel disease, and most notably, poor diet and inflammation. All of which can dramatically increase your risk of cancer.

I know I talk about weight a lot. But that’s because at the end of the day, just like sugar, obesity kills. It really is that simple.

P.S. If you or a loved one is suffering with a cancer diagnosis, please know you have options outside of the “slash and burn” approach of dangerous chemotherapy and radiation most doctors recommend. In fact, I’ve created an entire online learning tool to help you navigate through the murky waters of cancer treatment.

My Essential Protocol to a Cancer-Free Future contains simple, science-based strategies to fortify your cellular defenses—and stop cancer in its tracks. Click here to learn more, or sign up today.


“Six ‘Obesity-Related’ Cancers on Rise in US Young Adults.” Medscape Medical News, February 4, 2019. (