The decades-old “breakthrough” that could save the U.S. billions

Care to join me as I step back and take a few deep breaths? Because what came across my desk this morning made me furious, on so many different levels.

According to a recent article I just read, Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) developed what has been dubbed a “life-changing” diet and exercise program. Research suggests that this program can reduce the need for medication by an average of 40 percent in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking. I should be thrilled by this news. After all, any strategy that can reduce medication use is a slam dunk in my book.

But before I’m accused of sour grapes, allow me to share the details of this “life-changing” diet. And maybe then you’ll see why this so-called “breakthrough” has me seeing red.

Here’s the crux of it, straight from the proverbial horse’s mouth: “The diet, which bucks received convention, incorporates an eating pattern that is very low in carbohydrates and higher in protein than is commonly prescribed.”

Sound familiar? Because it sure does to me. In fact, it sounds like a program I could have designed myself…

Oh wait! I already did. Decades ago.

And this general type of diet has been around even longer. Of course, there are a lot of variations — the Hamptons Diet, the Atkins Diet, The Carbohydrates Addicts Diet. But they’re all based on the same fundamental principles — low in sugar and grains, high in whole foods, protein, and healthy fat. And any nutritionist with half a brain has been championing this approach for years now.

So I have to ask: What, exactly, did these Australian researchers actually develop?

Their very predictable results, of course, came as a shock to them. Diabetes patients on the low-carb plan were able to cut twice as much medication as patients following the typical low-fat, high-carb recommendations.

And guess what? They also saw greater improvements in their cholesterol levels — including an increase in beneficial HDL cholesterol and a decrease in deadly triglycerides.

In conclusion, the researchers estimate that incorporating this type of eating plan into Australia’s current diabetes recommendations could save the country a boatload of money — upwards of $142 million USD. (Bear in mind that Australia only has an estimated 800,000 diabetics. Can you imagine the money this simple change would save in the U.S., where we have at least 30 million diagnosed diabetics?)

And it gets better: According to CSIRO, this study’s findings show just how outdated traditional dietary approaches to diabetes management really are.

That’s right. Alert the presses! The medical establishment is wrong! And the Australian government spent close to $1 million to bring us this information.

Talk about wasting tax payers’ dollars. They could have just saved themselves the money and subscribed to this e-letter instead. But here’s hoping this little spending spree makes a difference, for a change.

Sadly, most doctors (in Australia or otherwise) still recommend the same stale approach as the “gold standard” of diabetes management: A diet high in so-called “healthy” whole grains, and low in vitally important fats. Because that’s exactly what government organizations like the American Diabetes Association tell them to do.

But the real motive behind this advice is crystal clear if you take a minute to think about it: Eat a bunch of “fat-free” carbs and your blood sugar levels rise, which means you need more pricey medication to push them back down.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want. But this convenient little formula is a win-win for Big Pharma — and the FDA, who cashes in on the mind-boggling approval fees the pharmaceutical companies have to fork over for each and every new diabetes drug they concoct.

And that’s what matters to the powers that be — not you, or your health.

How else do you explain the fact that drugs like Victoza — a blood sugar medication that actually causes your insulin receptors to die after 5 years — are still on the market? This is a diabetes management strategy that our government has actually approved. Yet, these same agencies can’t wrap their head around the fact that a smart diet and routine exercise (not to mention regulating and taxing sugar) could effectively cure the diabesity epidemic.

It isn’t rocket science. I see people losing weight, dropping medication, and reversing diabetes every day — simply by following my New Hamptons Health Miracle.

But obviously, nobody in charge wants to listen to me — or to the host of other cutting edge doctors who preach this lifestyle. Maybe they’ll listen to Australia… but I won’t be holding my breath.

In the meantime, my Metabolic Repair Protocol outlines step-by-step instructions on how to get started on a healthy diet that can reverse diabetes — as well as detailed information on a number of natural solutions that can help you get even better, faster results. If you haven’t already checked it out, I encourage you to do it today!

Whitehead, RJ. “Diet could cut medication dependence for type 2 diabetes patients.” 11 Feb 2016.