The deep-sea secret to kicking cigarettes for good

Last month, I spent a little time talking about the progress this country has made in its anti-smoking efforts since the Surgeon General issued its first dire tobacco warnings 50 years ago.  I also explained why smokeless tobacco and modern e-cigarettes really aren’t the life-savers people may think they are.

The fact is, if you’re really serious about getting healthy, you need to quit cigarettes head on, no exceptions.

But I know that’s a lot easier said than done. Because whether it’s tobacco or sugar, addiction is addiction. And quitting cold turkey takes a lot of guts and grit.

Luckily, you do have resources available that can make it easier. And I’m not talking about counterproductive patches or nicotine gum. Actually, new research shows that one of the best tools to help you kick your smoking habit is a supplement you should be taking every day anyway.

I’m talking about fish oil.

You see, low levels of critical omega-3s interfere with your brain’s reward and dependence mechanisms—essentially amplifying addictive cravings. And low levels of EPA and DHA also erode your mental health and make it harder for you to cope with stress.

So you can imagine what this perfect storm does to someone who’s trying to quit smoking.

But now for the good news: A new randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial showed that smokers who took 2,710 mg of EPA and 2,040 mg of DHA every day for a month reported significant decreases in both daily smoking and tobacco cravings. And these benefits lasted, even in the month after treatment with EPA and DHA stopped.

This study was small, but if you or someone you love is trying to quit, there’s no reason to wait around for more proof. Pick up a high-quality omega-3 supplement today. (This study featured a higher dosage, but I recommend at least 3,000 mg of DHA and EPA per day.)

You have nothing to lose. And a lifetime of health and freedom to gain.


“Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on tobacco craving in cigarette smokers: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study.” J Psychopharmacol. 2014 Jun 4;28(8):804-809.