The great spud scandal rages on

The great spud scandal rages on

Just when I thought “Potatogate” was finally over, it’s rearing its ugly (starchy) head once again.

In an earlier Reality Health Check (10/20/2011, “Potato politics“), I told you about a proposal that would limit potatoes in school lunches nationwide.

Now, the jokers that we’ve elected to run the Senate have blocked that legislation.

They claim they did it because potatoes are a good source of fiber. Oh really? Well, so is a tree branch, and I wouldn’t eat that–or serve it to kids in a school cafeteria.

Let’s be clear, the REAL reason this proposal got shot down is that it made the potato industry angry.

What I want to know is why we’re giving the lowly potato so much power? Surely if the tobacco-growing states could handle the regulations and restrictions that were given to them, the people in the potato-growing states could figure it out, too.

And if the powers-that-be can’t even do the right thing when it comes to keeping kids healthy, just imagine how out-of-whack their priorities are when it comes to the rest of us.

The fact is, practically every government official is in it to keep themselves employed, not to help you–or your family–stay healthy. That task is up to you.