The invisible threat skyrocketing diabetes risk by 75%

I need to keep the conversation going about just how prevalent diabetes is in our society — and what you can do to protect yourself from becoming a victim.

Because some new research shows there’s another deadly culprit besides sugar contributing to this epidemic.

I’m talking about pesticides.

Now, you know how evil I think pesticides are already — causing serious effects on the nervous system, hormone-related cancers, and allergies, just to name a few problems. But I can’t help thinking these scientists are looking for something other than diet to blame for the exponential increase of type 2 diabetes in recent years.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s important not leave any stone unturned in the quest to find out how this horrific epidemic is growing. But at the same time, it’s also important not to point the finger at any one thing. It’s more likely a combination of factors. And there’s simply no denying that sugar is the biggest one.

That said, after reading this new research — which included data from 25 peer-reviewed studies conducted in North America, Europe and Pacific Asia — I’m inclined to consider pesticides as the second biggest threat to mankind this century.

I say this because the researchers found exposure to any type of pesticide can increase diabetes risk by as much as 75%.

The pesticides most strongly associated with developing type 2 diabetes were DDE and DDT.

These results are highly statistically significant, and should have everyone running for the hills or a fall-out shelter.

The ironic thing is, both of the pesticides mentioned above (as well as many others included in this study) have been banned worldwide — in some cases for decades. Which makes you wonder…

Are these toxic chemicals going to persist in the environment forever?

And what about all the chemicals we haven’t banned yet?

The fact is, organic pollutants, including pesticides, PCBs, and organochlorines, ARE resistant to biodegradation (breaking down). Which is why they’re present almost everywhere in the environment (even after they’ve been banned).

What’s even worse is when a pesticide does begin to break down, it never disappears fully. Instead, it forms new chemicals that may actually be more toxic than the original chemical.

And after years of exposure — eating pesticide-laden foods, drinking contaminated water, and being exposed to plastics and other man-made materials — these toxins gradually build up in our fat cells.

Inside your body, these chemicals set off a chain reaction of problems that begins with disrupting your endocrine system. From there, pesticides promote fat storage in the liver, pancreas, and muscles. In turn, this results in insulin resistance and a range of health problems, including type 2 diabetes.

Even the “inert” ingredients in popular pesticides aren’t really inert at all. Because these so-called “inactive” ingredients actually ramp up the active ingredients’ ability to cause bodily harm.

And remember, this new research found that exposure to ANY pesticide significantly increases your risk of diabetes. But what’s most unsettling about this finding is that we’re not just exposed to one — or even two — pesticides. We’re exposed to 500+ toxins per day (and pesticides only account for some of them).

It would be nearly impossible to point out all of the ways you’re assaulted by toxins every moment of every day. But the good news is, there are some safe, simple, natural ways to defend yourself.

First of all, avoid using bug sprays and weed killers in your own home (and in your yard this spring and summer).

Second, invest in a good water filter.

Third, always buy organic, locally grown produce that is pesticide-free whenever you can. I can’t stress enough how important it is to seek out a local farm, farmer’s market, or store where you can ask questions about how the food is produced.

I also recommend checking out the Environmental Working Group’s website,

They have information on every environmental toxin you’ve heard of — and a few you probably haven’t. More importantly, they’ve exposed just about every popular hiding place there is, and compiled them into databases that you can easily search.

And last but not least, since there’s unfortunately no way to avoid all toxins completely, I recommend regular detoxes.

In fact, I recommend detoxing quarterly, which makes this the perfect time to give you a refresher on best way to go about it.

The market has exploded with all sorts of detox supplements in recent years. So how do you choose the right one? A good detox product will include ingredients that support the three critical phases of detoxification — modification, conjugation, and elimination.

Unfortunately, many of the ones you’ll find on the shelves of your local vitamin shop don’t offer complete support. And since detox is such an important part of both achieving good health and maintaining it, I wanted to be able to offer my patients a product they — and I — could trust.

Which is why I developed my DetoxLogic formula. I made sure DetoxLogic has everything you need to make my detox protocol as efficient and effective as possible.

As for the protocol itself, it’s really simple — there’s no fancy equipment or elaborate planning involved. Just six capsules of DetoxLogic (two capsules, three times per day), along with a whey protein shake for breakfast and lunch, and a light dinner every evening for two weeks. That may seem like a long time. But it goes by incredibly quickly. And you’re going to feel so much better by the end of it that you probably won’t want to stop. (Though I didn’t design this plan for long-term use. That honor goes to my New Hamptons Health Miracle.)

Of course, you should talk to your doctor before starting this or any detox regimen. But be forewarned: Most mainstream physicians aren’t likely to have the first clue about detoxing. So don’t expect much in the way of brilliant feedback. It’s probably best to work with a naturopathic physician if you’re undertaking any serious detox regimen.

For more information on the phases of detoxification, or for the menu plan I give my patients to follow while they’re detoxing, refer back to the September 2013 issue of my Logical Health Alternatives newsletter. Subscribers can download this issue for free by logging on to my website with your username and password. And if you’re not already a subscriber, now is the perfect time to get started.
