The obesity epidemic is throwing mortality rates in reverse

Here’s some utterly unsurprising news for the day: The obesity epidemic is making it harder for our country to win the war against cancer and heart disease. 

Of course, given obesity’s role in just about every form of chronic disease, this conclusion is just plain common sense.  

But according to a new analysis of over 50 million American deaths, the statistics finally confirm it. So let’s take a closer look at what this recent study found… 

Mortality rates in reverse   

Researchers used data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Wide-Ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER).  

They found that after 2011—right around when obesity rates really started to soar—any improvements in heart disease and cancer-related mortality rates practically came to a screeching halt.  

In fact, the age-adjusted mortality rate (AAMR) for heart disease had been declining by an average of 3.8 deaths per 100,000 persons from 1999 to 2011. But that progress vanished quickly—slowing to just 0.7 deaths per 100,000 persons from 2011 to 2018.  

The news wasn’t any better where cancer deaths were concerned, either. The average yearly AAMR change for obesity-related cancers slowed from -1.19 deaths per 100,000 persons in 1999 to 2011, to -0.83 in 2011 to 2018.  

And mortality rates either stayed the same or increased in the case of liver and pancreatic cancers in both genders, and uterine cancer among women.  

Change starts at home 

I realize that these numbers may look small to you. But they represent how drastically we’ve lost control of one of the most important (and preventable) lifestyle factors in the fight against disease. And people are dying needlessly because of it… all because of poor food choices and couch potato-ism. 

Not to mention, the recent trend of childhood and adolescent obesity isn’t going to make this situation any better. Quite the contrary, actually.  

The time for more aggressive anti-obesity campaigns was yesterday. But since the government seems to be determined to stick their heads in the sand and ignore this issue, as usual, you’ll have to put the work in yourself.  

But together, we can (and will) make it through. I explain how you can fight back against obesity-related cancer, in particular—and ultimately win the battle of the bulge—in the October 2019 issue of my monthly Logical Health Alternatives newsletter (“Cancer diagnoses in younger Americans reach a terrifying, all-time high”). Not yet a subscriber? Click here to become one! 

Plus, I outline an all-natural plan to safeguard your heart against disease in my Ultimate Heart-Protection Protocol. To learn more about this innovative, online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now! 

A main focus in both is consistently making good lifestyle choices.  

My A-List Diet is the perfect place to start, where your food choices are concerned. And adding just 20 minutes of regular exercise to your daily routine will help conquer couch potato syndrome. Then, encourage your children and grandchildren to adopt these healthy routines, too. 

After all, a healthy relationship with food and exercise starts early… and it starts at home. Together, we can build a leaner, longer-living future.  


“Obesity slows progress against cancer deaths, study suggests: Research shows slow decline in obesity-related cancer deaths.” Science Daily, 05/13/2021. (