The simple, common mineral your immune defenses need year-round

Immunity rot is real. Over 40 million adults are fighting this hidden syndrome right now. And the frailness we see so often in elderly people is the culmination of its devastating effects. But it’s not only nursing home residents who are vulnerable to this critical threat.

The downward spiral of immunosenescence (the technical term for immunity rot) begins as early as middle age. If you don’t take the proper steps to stop it in its tracks, that is.

And a new study from the most recent issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows one simple, common mineral may make a huge difference in heading this invisible threat off at the pass.

This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Researchers studied 31 elderly nursing home residents with low zinc concentrations and impaired T-cell function. (T-cells are key players in the body’s immune response.)

Half the group took 30 mg of zinc per day, while the other half took a placebo. And after three months, the results were crystal clear. The zinc supplements raised subjects’ serum zinc concentrations. And higher zinc concentrations resulted in significantly enhanced T-cell function — and higher T-cell numbers, in particular.

This is a remarkable discovery.

And your immune system isn’t the only thing that will reap the benefits of this one, simple addition. I covered zinc’s age-zapping benefits in detail this past summer, in the August 2015 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives. (If you’re not a subscriber yet, I hope you’ll think about signing up today.)

So I urge you to include a daily dose of zinc in your supplement arsenal — at least 30 mg per day.

But in addition to a daily zinc supplement, I also recommend a few specific, targeted natural supplements to fend off immunity rot: Dimethylglycine (DMG), larch tree extract, Maitake PD Fraction®, beta 1,3 glucan, and olive leaf extract. Each of these supplements has been shown in studies to offer significant immune support. And in order to make things as simple and convenient as possible, I’ve combined them all into one comprehensive formula — called ImmuneLogic.

This formula is something I recommend to every patient over the age of 50, to tackle immunity rot head-on — before the devastating effects can take hold. So if you’re not already taking ImmuneLogic, I encourage you to learn more about it — and get started — today.
