The simple solution to warding off diabetes

It may be a new year, folks. But yes, we’re still having this same conversation—and yes, it still amazes me.

True, I can say that about a lot of things in life. But there are some facts that everyone should know by now. And the fact that sugary drinks raise diabetes risk is definitely one of them.

So this latest study might as well be verifying the existence of gravity—that’s how predictable the outcome was. But let’s look at what these researchers found, anyway…

From bad to worse

This research looked at more than two decades’ worth of data from nearly 200,000 participants in three different cohort studies. And analysis came up with the same conclusions, yet again.

Subjects who increased their total sugary drink consumption by more than half a serving daily suffered a 16 percent increase in risk of type 2 diabetes. Plus, any type of increased consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages raised risk by nearly ten percent… while increases in fruit juice consumption raised risk even higher, by 15 percent.

So much for all those juices and smoothies being “healthy.” But as a reader of mine, you already know that.

Don’t go reaching for the artificially sweetened beverages, either. Because not only did this research find that they don’t reduce diabetes risk. It also showed that increasing intake of these “diet” drinks by more than half a serving a day was linked to an 18 percent increase in diabetes risk.

Needless to say, that’s a significant jump. (And a risk that I have also warned you about numerous times in this space.)

On the other hand, if you replace even one sugary beverage a day with water or unsweetened tea or coffee, you could drop your diabetes risk by as much as ten percent. So if you ask me, the choice here is pretty clear.

Drink more water

This study could easily fall into the “tell me something I don’t know” category. If it weren’t for the sad fact that a lot of people still think that juice and smoothies are good for you, simply because they’re made from fruit.

But guess again, people. Sugar is sugar is sugar. And it doesn’t really matter where it comes from.

As for artificially sweetened beverages, well… don’t get me started. It was only a little over a year ago now that the American Heart Association came out with an official statement endorsing these drinks as a safer alternative to sugar sweetened beverages.

So how many times do we have to spend money to find out the same story?  When are we going to realize that water is the best thing to drink on the planet? When will we ever get governmental support to help spread that message?

I don’t know about you, but I won’t be holding my breath. Because even the authors of this latest study insist on ignoring the science.

They state, and I quote: “The relationship between 100 percent fruit juice consumption and increased diabetes risk is notable, they say, as those beverages are considered healthful alternatives to sugary sodas.”

“Considered healthful” by whom? People who don’t know any better? People with their heads in the sand? People with problematic ties to Big Agribusiness?

I dare say all of the above. But I’ve got news for the big beverage manufacturers out there: You aren’t going to win this battle—not while I live and breathe. So I suggest you reinvest all that  money into coming up with beverages that won’t send your customers to an early grave.

In the meantime, I’ll be telling them what I always do: Drink more water.

P.S. I always have—and always will—recommend drinking more water. But it’s a sad reality that people have stopped drinking as much water as they used to. And the fact is, you may be overeating—and overweight—simply because you’re thirsty. I talk all about this in the July 2015 issue of my monthly Logical Health Alternatives newsletter (“The obesity culprit no one’s talking about”). So if you haven’t already, consider signing up today!


“No Surprise, Sweet Beverages Are Risk Factors for Diabetes.” Medscape Medical News, 11/15/19. (