The surprising addition to this year’s “Dirty Dozen”

Consider this your annual reminder that, sometimes, even superfoods can be hazardous to your health. And if strawberries, spinach, or kale make regular appearances on your menu—and they should—then this update is for you.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) released its latest “Dirty Dozen”—an annual list of fruits and veggies that have the highest pesticide residue. And this year strawberries rank first, followed by spinach and kale.

Last year, kale didn’t even make the list—so this year’s appearance was a surprise. And needless to say, it’s not a pleasant one…

Killers in the food supply 

This year, more than 92 percent of the kale samples researchers tested turned up with residue from two or more pesticides. Plus, a whopping 98 percent had residue from at least one pesticide, up from 76 percent over the last decade. That’s nearly all of them!

In addition, the average number of pesticide residues increased from two to five or more. And the most pesticides found in a single sample? Eighteen.

But that’s not all. A pesticide called Dacthal, or DCPA, was the most commonly found residue on kale, turning up on well over half of the samples. And it just so happens that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designated this chemical as a possible human carcinogen.

You read that right. DCPA is a known cause of cancer. And it’s in our food supply. Knowingly.

This is yet another instance of the U.S. government allowing big corporations to use us as test subjects. Granted, it would be ridiculous to think that any human studies would get the green light when you’re dealing with potentially lethal substances. But that’s exactly my point…

If something is going to kill animals—guess what? It’s going to kill us, too. These corporations are essentially marching us to the slaughter house, and the law has given them complete freedom to do so.

Am I the only one outraged by this? Because it sure seems that way when so many “experts” insist that the amount of pesticides we encounter through food isn’t significant enough to pose any danger.

I have an idea! Let’s ask those people to volunteer as test subjects—problem solved. Because you’d have to be a moron of the highest order to think that any amount of pesticides is safe.

Ten more threats to watch out for

This is yet another reason why you should always buy organic—because even washing your produce isn’t going to remove all the pesticides. And obviously, it’s not just kale, spinach and strawberries you need to look out for, either.

This year’s “Dirty Dozen” features all the usual suspects from 2018 (with the exception of sweet bell peppers, which kale bumped off the list):

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale
  4. Nectarines
  5. Apples
  6. Grapes
  7. Peaches
  8. Cherries
  9. Pears
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Celery
  12. Potatoes

A side note: Hot peppers didn’t make the cut, but only on a technicality. Although they don’t rank according to the usual criteria, researchers still point out their widespread contamination with known neurotoxins.

There’s a frightening list of banned pesticides that are somehow still allowed to be used on hot peppers—including acephate, chlorpyrifos, and oxamyl. So while they’re not officially part of the “Dirty Dozen” list, you still want to treat them as such, and buy organic versions whenever you can.

Please keep in mind that I’m not telling you to stop eating kale, or strawberries, or spinach…or any of the food on the “Dirty Dozen” list. I am simply sounding an alarm. Our food supply is packed with toxins that affect our nervous systems, endocrine systems, and probably every other part of our bodies.

Research shows that eating organic food could cut your risk of cancer by a quarter. And as I discussed in the March 2016 issue of my Logical Health Alternatives newsletter (“The deadly toxin lurking in every town across America”), eating too many pesticides (like the popular herbicide found in RoundUp®) may interfere with important aspects of human health—not least of all, fertility.

(Not a subscriber to my newsletter? Click here to learn how to get started today.)

And yet, our government chooses to side with bozos who claim that no one would ever be able to eat enough for the risks of pesticides to outweigh the benefits. All I can say is: Have these people looked at how much food the average American consumes in a day?

When given a choice, I’ll spend my money on organic food, every single time. And you should, too.

P.S. I’m not trying to sound all doom and gloom. The state of food affairs is pretty tragic, but there’s a flipside, which I’ll be discussing tomorrow. So stay tuned for my discussion about The Clean Fifteen


“Kale Is a Surprise on 2019’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ List.” WebMD, 03/20/2019. (