THIS affects your brain MORE than bad genes

Genetics is such a fascinating topic to me. I love learning about any new discovery, no matter how big or how small, and applying them to my work.  

And believe me, researchers have made some pretty incredible strides in recent years.  

In fact, 20 years from now, I expect we’ll really start to understand how to make interventions in our biology to help prevent and treat diseases on a genetic level.  

Especially when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease (AD)—a condition that we’ve struggled to make much needed headway against through more conventional avenues.  

Indeed, research is already starting to trickle in…  

Lifestyle conquers genetics  

A new analysis looked at more than 6,000 elderly adults (80 years or older) from the Chinese Longitudinal Health Longevity Survey. And it showed that a healthy lifestyle has stronger links to cognitive health than genetics.  

More specifically, participants who had healthy or even somewhat healthy lifestyles were significantly less likely to suffer from cognitive decline—by 55 percent and 28 percent, respectively.  

Those are some pretty impressive numbers for simply doing what’s good for you more often than not.   

Plus, this research also found that the link between lifestyle and cognitive decline wasn’t affected significantly by APOE status. (APOE is a gene connected to Alzheimer’s disease. Subjects with a specific form of the gene, called APOE ε4, were 17 percent more likely to have cognitive impairment than those with other forms.) 

Translation? No matter what your genetic predisposition is for AD, maintaining a healthy lifestyle in old age is going to help you keep your wits about you… literally.     

The fertile soil theory 

This is a pretty critical finding since APOE ε4 raises risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s.  

And I’m thrilled to see that something as simple as leading a healthy lifestyle may be able to counteract that risk, especially among elderly adults.  

Of course, I’ve mentioned time and again that your disease risk isn’t set in stone, no matter what your genetic makeup. And that factors like smoking, exercise, and diet are particularly powerful where your cognitive function is concerned.  

The bottom line is, our genetics don’t doom us to a fate of Alzheimer’s. And I’m sure I can speak for most everyone when I say, if I’m going to live a long life, I want those extra years to be ones I can remember—and ones where I’m active and sharp enough to enjoy my time with family and friends. 

Finally, I mention the fertile soil theory whenever the subject of genetics comes up, and this is as welcome a reminder as any: A seed must fall into fertile soil in order to sprout into a sapling. If it falls into concrete, or simply doesn’t get fed or watered, it will wither and die.   

Your body is no different. Don’t give dangerous genes any room to wreak havoc on your life. The environment you create is well within your power and control. Use it wisely, and you’ll reap the rewards for years to come.  

P.S. I report on more significant findings when it comes cognitive health and Alzheimer’s disease in the current issue of my Logical Health Alternatives newsletter (“ALZHEIMER’S UPDATE: This simple amino acid outperforms any “miraculous” memory drug on the market?!”). To learn all about this amino acid—and how you can start harnessing its brain-boosting powers TODAY—consider becoming a subscriber. Click here now! 


“Healthy lifestyle linked to better cognition for oldest adults — regardless of genetic risk: New study suggests importance of maintaining healthy lifestyle even after age 80.” Science Daily, 06/01/2021. (