I spent the first half of this week talking about toxins lurking in our food supply. Ones that — despite being dismissed as “harmless” — are actually research-proven threats to public health.
So today, I want to flip the script, and talk about how a notorious dietary villain turned out to play a critical role in diabetes prevention.
That’s right. In yet another study looking at full-fat versus low-fat dairy, I’ll give you one guess who the winner was…
All the fat… all the benefits
In this latest study, researchers assessed subjects for baseline measurements of three key fatty acids from milk and cheese — pentadecanoic acid, heptadecanoic acid, and trans-palmitoleic acid.
Over a follow-up period lasting two decades, nearly a quarter of the subjects developed type 2 diabetes. But get this: Folks with the highest levels of all three dairy-based fatty acids enjoyed a 35 percent lower risk.
Of course, this stunning finding comes with your usual caveat, with researchers saying that “at the very least, the available evidence about dairy fat does not indicate any increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes.”
And once again I’m left to wonder what, exactly, is the point here?
Does no one have cojones anymore? Can no one make a decision or a definitive statement about anything? I know I certainly don’t have that problem. But this mealy-mouthed “conclusion” is just the latest infuriating example of why we’re dealing with a diabetes epidemic.
The wheels of change move slowly
We’re talking about really solid evidence here. Data that researchers didn’t base on an unreliable factor like memory, the way so many nutritional studies do. The fatty acid levels they measured are good gauges of dairy intake — increasing with the intake of high-fat dairy products and decreasing with intake of low-fat dairy products (or no dairy products at all).
Granted, none of this addresses the source of the dairy product (which as you know, absolutely does matter). But we do know that these measurements reflect consumption of full-fat versions of real food… not bastardized low-fat versions.
Always remember, when fat is removed, sugar is usually what replaces it. So is it any wonder we’re stuck in this hideous, never-ending cycle of disease?
This hole is one we dug for ourselves. And if we simply paid attention to science like this, we could dig ourselves out of it just as easily.
Unfortunately, the conventional medical community is in no hurry to make any changes. Let’s not forget that we knew all the way back in the 1970s that trans fats were the most harmful of all fats. And yet, after an almost 40-year attempt to remove them from our food supply, they’re still there.
This heel-dragging by the so-called “experts” is one of the reasons I developed my Metabolic Repair Protocol. To equip you with a simple, science-backed, drug-free plan for preventing and reversing type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. To learn more about this online learning tool, or to sign up today, simply click here.