There’s a new rage in town when it comes to “diets”.
These products line grocery store shelves. They have earned their own place on restaurant and take-out menus. And the diet itself receives plenty of celebrity endorsement.
But did you know that following this popular diet naturally eliminates at least TWO vital nutrients that are linked to good health?
Let’s talk about it…
Deficiency risks
I’m all for people eating more plants. But my opinions on plant-based diets are a little more complex.
That being said, let me also make something clear: Whatever your personal choice is—whether it’s being vegan, vegetarian, or simply wanting to cut down on the amount of animal protein you consume—it’s all good with me. As long as you’re getting proper nutrition.
Keep in mind that humans are natural omnivores. We are built to consume (and obtain energy from) plants and animals.
So when you’re cutting out half of the food chain from your diet—which is what happens on plant-based diets—you’re also removing essential nutrients that your body needs.
Take vitamin B12, for example. This is one nutrient that is completely missing from a plant-based diet because it’s primarily found in meat and dairy. That’s why vegans and vegetarians alike should always take a daily B12 supplement.
Of course, that’s “old” news. Now, we have so much more nutritional education and research behind us that we’re learning about other key nutrients that someone on a plant-based diet may be lacking.
And that’s exactly where this latest study comes in: It shows that vegetarians and vegans have levels of ubiquinol that are nearly 25 percent lower than omnivores. Here’s why that’s such a big problem…
Ubiquinol is a form of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)—the heart’s most abundant nutrient. It’s the powerhouse fuel for cells. If your body doesn’t have enough, it could lead to fatigue, muscle issues, and a weakened immune system. Not surprisingly, deficiency is also a risk factor for many age-related diseases.
In other words, plant-based eaters need to keep their CoQ10 levels in mind—and supplement, as needed. But there’s still more to consider when adopting a plant-based diet, even outside of these common deficiency risks…
Anything but healthy
What bothers me the most about this latest trend is that so many plant-based animal protein alternatives are heavily processed, laboratory-made creations that are anything but healthy.
I mean, have you looked at the ingredient lists? The plant-based marketplace is riddled with fake imitations of food—just like the low-fat and low-carb eras before them. And most of these meat and dairy alternatives are packed with more preservatives, sodium, and sugar than they are micronutrients (like B12 and CoQ10).
Because the ugly truth is, American food manufacturers will always find a way to turn something healthy into a windfall for their shareholders. And it’s always at a loss to you, if you choose to buy and eat their Frankenfoods.
But even if you do pass on the processed garbage that line the shelves and frozen food sections in grocery stores nowadays, that doesn’t necessarily mean that “plant-based” eating is indeed healthier for us. (Not to mention, it’s impossible to argue whether eating only plants is actually better for the environment.)
So, at the end of the day, my message will always remain the same: No matter what diet you choose, just eat a variety of real foods that are minimally processed.
If you’re going to stay “plant-based”? Well, at least stay away from those imitation products. And make sure you’re supplementing with B12 and CoQ10. I recommend 2,000 mcg of B12 per day, and 300 mg of ubiquinol per day.
P.S. I also breakdown the meaning behind popular buzzwords in the November 2019 issue of my monthly Logical Health Alternatives newsletter (“How Big Food’s favorite marketing ploy is hurting consumers, animals, and the environment”). Not yet a subscriber? Click here to become one—you won’t want to miss this special report!
“Vegans and vegetarians have lower levels of ubiquinol, according to new research.” Nutritional Outlook, 09/01/2021. (