
Yes, I am very excited to see Transformers 3 when it opens this summer but what fascinated me the most was the back story of how Megan Fox wasn’t hired because of how Stephen Spielberg felt about some of her comments during the press tour for the first movie.  I think that people need to lighten up a bit and not take things so seriously and potentially out of context – now I am no expert on this nor do I have anything to say about the casting of Hollywood blockbusters –at least not yet

But, what I do know is how our words and actions can have a very large impact on others without you even knowing about it. This has happened to me many times in my life and in my career where things I have said have profoundly influenced another persons decision – I guess in my situation, it can come with the territory since I spend my life giving out advice; but, it doesn’t seem real until someone actually quotes me or as in the case this morning, a patient came to see me because I had transformed her boss whom she had known for ten years into a healthier, more energetic and happier person.

Speaking of transformation, there is soon to be a show on ABC with that very title.  This show will follow people for a year and then present their story in a one hour show.  It is what is happening on Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition and I am just not digging that show.  Yes, the weight loss is extreme and dramatic, but because of the length of time the person is followed, the drama is missing.

I like to get all up in the characters lives, know what is going on; what are the pitfalls, where are their greatest successes – this is the stuff of television and this is the stuff that goes on in my office.  In order to learn how to successfully navigate not only weight loss but health, it is important to understand what makes that person tick; what is going on in their life; what are their psychological strengths and weaknesses; and most importantly –how can I use all that information to my advantage in helping you lose weight and attain your health goals.

That is what EMWLE lacks and, there is just no connection with the host. Sorry ABC but this one is not for me.  Hopefully Transformation and their other new show, The Chew will enable us to learn more of the drama and the real hard work that goes into being healthy.  I have high hopes.

Thinking of transformation always makes me go back to addictions and when I think of addictions, I can’t help but think of a show that I hate to admit I watch: My Strange Addiction. I know its not for everyone but how often do you get to see someone who eats their couch; or Comet because it makes them feel clean.  I know this sounds strange but I think anyone who has a desire to be healthy is searching for a way to transform; a way to overcome their addiction. And don’t fool yourself into thinking food is not every bit as addictive as nicotine, alcohol or other drugs.  People are desperate for change but just don’t have the tools or the willpower or the support system.  But ultimately, sometimes, you are just on your own and have to summon your inner strong black woman.

Speaking of strong black women, I was watching Kathy Griffin’s last special.  It is sad to say, because she has never looked better except for that big batch of hair; but she is a bit tired.  She refused to take on the icky creepiness of GaGa’s redundant messaging when she is old enough to know better.  However, I did learn that Phaedra from RHOA got her start on Being Bobby Brown – now there is a show that NEVER should have gone off the air – if you haven’t ever seen it, I encourage you to find it on youtube or wherever you can – Whitney Houston at her most priceless.  And by most priceless, needing help with her addictions and needing a transformation so badly; yet, we watched her self destruct.

Which brings me to a point where I must ask the questions: Why do we so enjoy watching people self destruct; or hurt themselves; or even worse, sabotage each other.  By sabotaging your co-worker, friend, significant other or anyone, we halt transformation in its tracks; we plant doubt in the minds of the people who are trying so hard to change.  Change, if it is positive should bring encouragement from those around us. Again, be very careful about what you say as those words have power.  Use that power for good, not evil.

Oh, another thing I learned from Kathy’s show is that Bristol Palin made $250,000 last year on the lecture circuit lecturing about…….teen abstinence! What??? I guess she’s hiding her two year old born out of wedlock child.  Did people forget that she had this child as a teenager?  Speaking of teens with children, they are having a reunion on MTV of the original teen moms – seriously? I know I love reality TV as much as the next person (OK probably more so) but the messages some of these shows portray are irreprehensible. The message is about transformation; change and perhaps these teen moms have changed but all I see is an opportunity for other young girls to use this as an excuse to get on television.

Now, summer is here so write in and tell me what your new summer shows will be. I for one, have been loving Teen Wolf – it is about transformation (not only from a teenager into a wolf – that’s the obvious people – go for the subtext) becoming an adult and the responsibilities that go along with that – lessons we can all learn no matter how old we are.  The Nine Lives of Chloe King is amazing – totally the new Buffy.  Another teen coming of age story yet told in a brilliant and masterful way.  Oh, and another of my early summer favorites – The Glee Project.

As far as transformation, change and growth goes, this is pretty amazing.  It is about kids competing to be on a seven episode arc on Glee but the competition so far is fun.  The kids seem to be enjoying themselves, helping each other and having a good time.   The show is produced really well and is like a cross between Project Runway, which as we speak is being taped in Battery Park City with all the models on stilts with Kim Kardashian as a guest judge – yes I have eyes everywhere; and RuPaul’s Drag Race.  The music and production values are really good. And of course, True Blood starts this weekend – not to be missed.

So, I will close with a line from a really bad show that has already been cancelled called Love Bites. It’s actually a quote from Joseph Campbell so I guess the real credit goes to him: “Let go of the life you were planning in order to accept the one that’s waiting for you.”