It’s critical that you do your best to stay healthy year-round—with or without a global pandemic making its rounds.
And knowing the enemy is essential to that effort. Because even if you’re not going out to buy groceries and other essentials, viruses—like COVID-19—could still be coming in.
In fact, research shows the risk of contamination may be higher than most of us ever imagined…
Four potential sources of contamination
Recent research published in The New England Journal of Medicine shows that COVID-19 can linger for hours to days, in both the air and on surfaces.
Scientists from the National Institutes of Health designed experiments to mimic the way that an infected person would shed the virus, whether at home or in the hospital, through touching surfaces or coughing.
The goal? To assess how long the virus remains stable and infectious on common surfaces. (And ultimately, to give both citizens and healthcare professionals a clearer idea of just how vigilant they need to be throughout this crisis.)
Researchers found that the virus persists up to:
- Three hours in aerosols (from coughing or sneezing)
- Four hours on copper
- 24 hours on cardboard
- Three days on plastic and stainless steel
Which means simply being in the same room with an infected person is risky. But so is touching pennies, packaging, or any metal surfaces (think ATM or credit card machine buttons, door handles, or bathroom faucets) they may have touched, too.
Stay home and wash your hands
Looking at these findings, it’s no wonder that COVID-19 is capable of spreading like wildfire. Especially when you consider another key observation from this team of scientists: that asymptomatic carriers are likely spreading the virus without even knowing it!
This only underscores the critical importance of staying home when you can… and being particularly vigilant about distancing and handwashing when you can’t.
Obviously, you should self-quarantine if you’re sick, and avoid contact with anyone who might have symptoms. But maintaining six feet of distance from everyone at all times is also critical.
So is routinely wiping down or disposing of surfaces that might have come in contact with potential contamination. Not just obvious places like doorknobs and keys, but boxes and plastic packaging, too. (Learn some of my top, effective, natural alternatives to harsh household cleaners in the February 2020 issue of my monthly Logical Health Alternatives newsletter [“The invisible culprit behind diabetes, dementia, heart disease, and more than 200,000 deaths every year”]. Not yet a subscriber? Become one today!)
But most importantly? Don’t touch your face and wash your hands—well and often—with regular soap and water. Because when you do it right, it’s the most powerful weapon against COVID-19 in your arsenal.
P.S. For my top immune health recommendations, check out my Complete Guide to Year-Round Immunity. To learn more, click here now! In addition, I wanted to share this quick video—it offers relevant, specific guidance for unpacking groceries and other essentials safely.
“New coronavirus stable for hours on surfaces: SARS-CoV-2 stability similar to original SARS virus.” Science Daily, 03/17/2020. (